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[solved] killer catch
i want to make an attack that chatches the enemy and hits him multiple times before the enemy flies away
[Image: 333wc2q.png]

only the past knows how the future looks like ~ HW
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I would also like to know this ;) I know it involves the itr/kind 3 thingy, but how to make him throw him away and stuff:)
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>Mainsite Search first

Simply go to the walking frames, they will have an itr/kind: ?
Copy that itr, change the itr/kind: into "3" and then enter your "killer catch" frame number behind catchingact (twice!)

Then copy the normal catching thingys, link some catchpunches with next etcetc
In the last frame you put a standard attack itr with a high dvx/dvy, which will kick the enemy away.
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Thanks given by: Drahcir
possible replacement to Alblaka's method (if you want)

in the last frame you put throwvx and throwvy values to throw the caught char.

If you're using Alblaka's method, make sure the itr has a large enough "fall" value to make him get knocked out of the catch (fall: 100 is good enough if you aren't messing with -ve fall values, otherwise throwvx/y would make them fly no matter what)

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solved i jsut have to use itr kind 3 nothing more
[Image: 333wc2q.png]

only the past knows how the future looks like ~ HW
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