Nope you can't ban Lauli, you don't have the recipy for the cookie of total annihilation :P
all righty, here comes my review... this is getting long...
Well, when I opened the exe, the first thing that jumped into my eyes: ORANGE!!! I have an almost black Desktop-bg, have a black-colored layout, had a dark-colored website open, and then... *WOOOOOSH* there was that orange piercing my eyes
At least it told me that you messed around with the exe
Now, I read the three lines in the exe that deal with the creators' copyrights...
erm... seriously, it doesn't matter if you completely redo lf2, it is still based on the same exe, the code stays the same. I would at least say who actually coded the game. btw, there is a typo in the second line...
Just to see what will encounter me, I checked the Demo. Well, yes, you changed the data... you copied data & sprites from JW-LF2 and increased the facings drastically... let's see how I'll do in VS...
Uh, a shining Template! Hmm, let's try him... hold on, wasnt that template available for download on LFE? The flying system reminds me pretty much of Aeron, and the attacks are... well... not very well worked out...
Oh well, let's kick someone's rear with Julian! Selected, let's go >:-D
The areas are kinda weird, the energy balls aren't even hitting my victim but already damage him... and the soul bomb... the dvx goes into the wrong direction. Also, for whatever reason, these sprites look like an LFE download. Some coordinates in the opoints are wrong, and you exaggerated with the facings...
Hmm, maybe Firzen can make up for the Template- and Julian-disappointment...
Hey, he is great to play, he isn't overpowered, he fits perfectly as a bonus character
Wait, he has no attack updates, this is the regular LF" Firzen?! Another disappointment... Oh, the Arctic Volcano looks different (opointwise), the winds are opointing other stuff, forever and ever. Kinda cheap, this makes Fizen too overpowered...
Hmmm, LouisEX looks cool, and this time I'm not even sure if the skin is downloadable on LFE. I'm too lazy to check, though
WHAT?! He has just one attack?! What a pity...
So I get through all characters, It begins with excitement when I see their face-pic, and ends with disappointment about either facings that almost crash the exe, lack of attacks, known skins, or invisible objects that make everything look unreal (hovering knives, breaking bats). Oh, speaking about bats, they a) have the dvx into the wrong direction b) have an astronomic dv? and c) have as astronomic injury-value for a normal falling-from-sky-weapon. Btw, why does the grenade have a bottle-sound?
What I liked:
- the mini-freezes (they were funny, but lasted too long...)
- the bg's that (I'm pretty sure) are all downloadable on LFE or are ripped from other mods.
What I didn't like:
- the rest
Some parts got really annoying after a few seconds, for example Rudolf's lightning-thingy or all these endless-attacks. Either increase the mana usage or decrease the facing.
As I wanted to close the window, I pressed, like usually, the ESC-button. Well, now I know how you messed around with the exe. I thought, you'd search the offsets and change them. No, I'm 101% sure that you used Rammichael's UP. Am I right or am I right?
Anyways, if you used that tool, I'd at least enable the PNG-feature and convert all the sprites to png's. It doesn't eat up so much room, and small mods are better than these monsters.
All righty, since this is just a beta, I'll better stop here but if you released your final version, you'd need to add credits to you readme, people who supplied you with the pics, people who inspired you with the data, and people whose work you just copied. I played JW-LF2 and I know that the lightning and meteors are used in exactly the same context like it is the case in your mod.