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German Mein charakter
Sry weil ich's auf deutsch mache aber ich kann so schlecht englisch.
Also, ich hab hier fast jedes tut gelesen, auch die wo "grundlagen" steht aber ich versteh einfach nicht wie's gehen soll.
Ich hab die sprites von einem charakter umgemalt, und jetzt?
ich will jetzt eig eine attacke machen, z.b. ein Blitz, wie soll ich das machen? und kann mir bitte nochmal jemand das mit der id erklären?
soll ich mir eine ausdenken oder was?Shock
Sry für die dummen fragen aber sagt jetzt bitte nicht dass ich's lieber doch nicht machen soll, ich träume schon seit fast 10 jahren von einem eigenem charakter.
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Translate that into English.
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Closest translation:

Sry for speaking German but I'm not good at English.
So, I've read almost every thing, even the "basics" but I just don't understand how thing work.

I got the sprites from one character umgemalt, and now?

I will now make an attack eig, e.g. a bolt of lightning, what should I do? and can someone explain the id thing for me?

should I think I have or what? Shock (?)

Sry for asking stupid question but please don't say that I should not make a char, I have been dreaming for almost 10 years of my own character.
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first, welcome to the forum.
Yes, for the id, you can just think of one, maybe its best to choose one between 52 and 99 so you don't get problems with attacks or something else.
A bold of lightning isn't the easiest thing in drawing and I haven't done it before, but I would think:
1. draw the shape with a white brush, also draw some minor lightnings around.( I mean still the same lightning, just some sort of "Gabelung".)
2.Draw around the shape with a yellow brush, shouldn't be too small( like a big outline)
3. blur it with a tool in GIMP or photofiltre.

I am not 100% sure if that will look good, but I think so. Maybe there is someone who knows a better method.
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thx 4 the answer but how i "write" the attack, well the thing with DC how do i "code" it?
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first you have to learn how to do basic DC-ing........

you can find lot of tutorials on lf-empire and lf-global....

since i am not shure that you know for lf-global here is link to tutorial on their page....


and here is one more tutorial on lf-empire....

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if you should still have problems
write me a pm or add me on msn
i will explain it to you

Greets from germany
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