Ok news for you guys: actually I just made a break from math learning and looked at an exe blue ohoenix did for Kingdom LF2 and I just thought: wow this exe is way to good for a canceled project like kingdom LF2. Then I thought of my other two (now canceled projects) - two level lf2 which is a crazy idea but will never be very popular and stage+ which si just a very weak version of a cool stage like I want to code one.
Then I thought of the crazy updates people found out about HEX in the last days and the fact I never really made the version I want to do: Little Fighter - EMPIRE.
My origianl plan was to create kingdom lf2 as small preview and then LFE as large version. But well, time is always a problem and it looks like my projects are always never finished.
Hope i'll go other way this time.
But I know I'll never finish it if I don't have some guys who could help me:
-for sprites - means new sprites to draw, single pictures (so maybe a new part of wall, some special tool, whatever)
-for sprites - guys who can do really good recolorizing of existing sheets (I don't need facepics then

-HEXguys: well, not sure if some hex guy will read this, but I will definitly need your guys help, cause only then I can really make some stuff I wanna do...
-if some have good sound data bases I would welcome him too if he can help out in some cases, if not I'll use findsounds
-translators. Apocalypsis or so made a spanish translation for the Kingdom LF2 dialogs - actually I like the idea and it would be cool if some guys sign in
(they should also know a but about graphical progs
the only thing I would prefer to do alone is Data Changing - the code of Kingdom LF2 was hard enough and I hope to be able to make it better this time.
Before I start with this I'll definitly release Kingdom LF2, doesnt really matter in which stadion, will probably do it on saturday or sunday after my maths exam
For this version in general: the story will be the same as in Kingdom LF2, just continued and better coded (since my dc knowledge growed, too and I've better ideas for the dialog system - guess what - itrkind8)
BP already shoed interest to work with... (just as note)
Edit: some new ideas will also come from here: