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char making contest - will be every month
hi :D
too bad that my ctt failed, but well...
in this contest you can improve your char making skills.

every month you can join this contest and create a char to the month's theme (eg. ninja). a contest starts on the first day of the month with joining and ends on the last day with voting. you can join any time from the first to the last day. the first, the second and the third winner will get 3/2/1 points here. (just for honour)

you are not allowed to take sprites from other recources, but the sprites dont have to be new and/or lf2 styled.

what you should consider when you vote for someone:

-is the char balanced?
-is the char topic-related?
-are the sprites fluent? (i mean, in one month you cant do great sprites, but you can at least do fluent move animations)
-is he entertaining to play with?

hall of fame:
1st: reaper (3 points)

next topic: christmas/winter

now go and join :D
Thanks given by: Reaper
Could the sprites be used from some were else and any style? Cause, i would prefer not making new sprites every week. Also i am not entering now, just wondering for future purposes.
[Image: variaboss.png]
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you are not allowed to take sprites from other recources, but the sprites dont have to be new and/or lf2 styled.
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sh*t once a week? dude thats so fast! lmao
i really like the idea.
there hasnt been much characters lately (i think. i could be wrong).
this would hopefully gear up people to start makin characters :)

as for me, i'll be out of the house for 3 days starting from monday. so i think i'll sit out the first one
~its been a long time coming~
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Well, I would really like to partcipiate, but one week isn't enough. Especially withschool and stuff. Plus you won't get enough people if you make it too often. So I would suggest three weeks or so. Which would mean for this one that quite many haven't school because of holidays.
Still I don't understand that thing with the sprites. Do we have to do completely new characters? Or do we just have to edit one of the normal lf2 ones?
If we can use the normal spritesheets, i'm in.
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you can use normal spritesheets.

update: since many users requested it, the contest is now every month! (and is also a month long)
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geez, for me thats still hardly enough
but i guess, its like a prevention system to make people only enter once every few months.
but i wont join this time
i would rather it be a spriting competition with a theme every month/week (:D ) but i guess, that would suck for some people :P
anyway, i am making a few chars at the moment, and i will just wait till the theme is right :)
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Thats sounds good :)

1 month for a char is hard, but not impossable (the hardest are the new Spritesheets).

The Deadline for this Contest ist the end of October, right?
When the char is finish, who post/upload that?

I´m in, but in 1 month that wasn´t a professional char (with creative & complicaded DC-moves).
Im seaching for spriters they would help me to finish the spritesheets from my new char Marth.. When you intereted please PM me
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the sprites arent that important man :P
i finished my templateX in one week :D (spritewise thats enough, so dont overdo it)

when you are finished, just post it here.
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ok, i`m in but my char probobly does`t have very many new moves. (I`m not that good at data changing yet, but i`ll try to win)
[Image: joshexsigcopy.png]

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