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Can make char smart ?
When I make a new char and grant him a ID (e.g ID: 18). But I am disappointed because he is so stupid and can't make special move except I grant him special AI (e.g Id: 1). So anyone can't help me to make him smart ??? Instead of being a useless char ???
[Image: 0d0f41baa54f422d9f4af25f22b297e6.0.gif]
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Quote:id: 0 type: 0 file: data\template.dat
id: 52 type: 0 file: data\julian.dat
id: 51 type: 0 file: data\firzen.dat
id: 50 type: 0 file: data\louisEX.dat
id: 38 type: 0 file: data\bat.dat
id: 39 type: 0 file: data\justin.dat
id: 37 type: 0 file: data\knight.dat
id: 36 type: 0 file: data\jan.dat
id: 35 type: 0 file: data\monk.dat
id: 34 type: 0 file: data\sorcerer.dat
id: 33 type: 0 file: data\jack.dat
id: 32 type: 0 file: data\mark.dat
id: 31 type: 0 file: data\hunter.dat
id: 30 type: 0 file: data\bandit.dat
id: 1 type: 0 file: data\deep.dat
id: 2 type: 0 file: data\john.dat
id: 4 type: 0 file: data\henry.dat
id: 5 type: 0 file: data\rudolf.dat
id: 6 type: 0 file: data\louis.dat
id: 7 type: 0 file: data\firen.dat
id: 7 type: 0 file: data\yourchar'snamehere.dat
id: 8 type: 0 file: data\freeze.dat
id: 9 type: 0 file: data\dennis.dat
id: 10 type: 0 file: data\woody.dat
id: 11 type: 0 file: data\davis.dat
Just use an already existing char's id so he will use the same attacks as it would. As example Firen, if he is far from enemy, he will try to make D>A (fire balls) but if your char has somekinda close combat move at D>A, it won't be very useful :/ But you can change your char to have same id as Deep that has only close range moves. Also if he uses smthing like arrows/shurikens, make him have Henry's/Rudolf's id.

Might be back, might be not :^) anyways awesome to see you guys again!
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@ whaat
I think he have new characters,so he need to use HEXing.

Look around HEX forum to learn how to add special moves to different ID number.
Thanks given by: Huy95
(06-03-2011, 09:38 AM)empirefantasy Wrote:  @ whaat
I think he have new characters,so he need to use HEXing.
Huy Wrote:So anyone can't help me to make him smart ??? Instead of being a useless char ???
You really think this guy can do smthing like hexing? Even his question tells me that he can't even DC (or only smthing like adding injury), how could he be able to hex?
Might be back, might be not :^) anyways awesome to see you guys again!
Thanks given by: Alectric , Alblaka , Electric2Shock
(06-03-2011, 09:51 AM)Whaat Wrote:  Empirefantasy:
You really think this guy can do smthing like hexing? Even his question tells me that he can't even DC (or only smthing like adding injury), how could he be able to hex?

I absolutely know that he can't HEXing.But maybe,with the passing of months,he may start learning.So I gave him where to find.
And now he will decide what will he do.
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Since both of you didn't quite give a thorough explanation, here it is:

You can use multiple datas for a specific ID, which then all have the same AI settings. It would only conflict when some other object creates the object with that oid - then only the first entry of that id is created. (Means if you have id: 5 - rudolf.dat and then id: 5 - yourchar.dat, and if something has opoint with oid: 5, then it would only create rudolf, and not yourchar)
That means you can leave the original character in the game and have another character use the same AI, as long as you don't want to opoint him in some way.

And with HEXing: You could do it step by step. It might be hard to understand, but if you read it through thoroughly, you should be able to get it. However, for a beginner, I'd advise you to stick with the above method first. This and this would be probably what you'd need first. If you are able to set the dll up, then you might be able to do the AI thing with hex.
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