Well i had nothing to do so..
its my first story and im not used to the chinese keyboard nor i know how to do that thingy between "i" and "m" ._.
More coming soon when i feel like writing down my ideas xD
And srry but im editing the upper texts with ideas and formatting so that it sounds fluently so it can be that u read an older version
and i cant work with word cause im typing with different laptops on different places ^^ and this way its easier for me to let my idea roll into the text xD
and btw i punish reading without commenting with a bite like in my avatar!
another idea: got a song who ill put an link to it after i wrote down the whole past of all chars i think it applys xD or at the end idk ^^
But what u can expect in the future is that ill (hopefully) finish the past and start with the story xD
When that time comes ill change the title <--- ideas welcome xD
More coming when i feel like writing...
E:added the causes + title now its reasonable
E2:added Louis past
E3:added Davis/Woody/Dennis past
E4:added Henry past
E5:added John past
E6:added Deep past grasp =p
E7:added Deep grasp extention xD
its my first story and im not used to the chinese keyboard nor i know how to do that thingy between "i" and "m" ._.
Quote:The Beginning of everything…
Every affliction in the world starts with something that suddenly appear in your life or dissappear.
Like when you flip a single domino, it starts to affect everything, which was part of your life.
In the case of Little fighter it's the dissappearance of something naturally that most people would fear: The females are gone!
However when that great mistery occurred all people tried to find a solution or at least someone to blame for.
At the same time Julian appeared, trying to conquer the world...
the causes (Click to View)
And this caused alot of chaos everywhere,
not only that they have to experience war, its the first time for people looking in their own souls and find out
who they are. Chaos causes different reaction from humans and so everyone decided on which side they will stay.
The monks - who are an old and respected clan(?) - stayed calm and prepared theirself for the worst.
Villages and cities around them put their hope on them but in the inside they felt awkward.
But it wasnt only the monks who were seen as hope: Fighters every classes prepared themselves, chosen by
village elders, citizen. They were elected because of their fighting skills. And some other "unknown" persons also tagged along..
But there were also others who felt in despair, and joined forces with Julian.
This faction formed the criminals - and there is a whole bunch of them - they are simply humans who had corrupted souls
and when Julian arrived they couldnt control themselves, mostly consists of hunters and bandits - who are melee fighters (or couldnt effort a bow).
But there are also people who are blackmailed and had no choice but to join Julian.
not only that they have to experience war, its the first time for people looking in their own souls and find out
who they are. Chaos causes different reaction from humans and so everyone decided on which side they will stay.
The monks - who are an old and respected clan(?) - stayed calm and prepared theirself for the worst.
Villages and cities around them put their hope on them but in the inside they felt awkward.
But it wasnt only the monks who were seen as hope: Fighters every classes prepared themselves, chosen by
village elders, citizen. They were elected because of their fighting skills. And some other "unknown" persons also tagged along..
But there were also others who felt in despair, and joined forces with Julian.
This faction formed the criminals - and there is a whole bunch of them - they are simply humans who had corrupted souls
and when Julian arrived they couldnt control themselves, mostly consists of hunters and bandits - who are melee fighters (or couldnt effort a bow).
But there are also people who are blackmailed and had no choice but to join Julian.
the unknowns past (Click to View)
Louis (Click to View)
One of these not mentioned persons would be Louis.
Ever since he was born he was held secretly by the monks because of his bloodline, the EX.
His family are the only ones who have the ability to transform to it but it needs years of training, an iron will and a noble soul
to control it - or you will be controlled.
As a proud member of this bloodline they all had their own symbol, in case of Louis it was his armor .
But the odd thing about Louis is that he was the first male who was able to survive the first transformation while he was a baby.
The rest of his family are all female and he was the black sheep there, thats also the way they treated him - as an outsider.
Only the youngest child of the family supported him her name was Jan.
Though of this deficit he was able to learn the phoenix palm from the monks faster than everyone else.
Explanation:Phoenix palm (or what i call it: nix palm) is an attack which needs concentration and a strong will. It causes an impact from close range to middle range, but they do say there was someone who even could hit a long range phoenix palm. Thats why mostly only monks can use this technique. Most people who train themselves years to find inner peace and still have the will to do so, thats why they start their training at the age of 14.
His phoenix palm reached the lvl of a average monk after only one year, due constant training and the fact that at least one person is willing to bet on him gave him an iron will to do so. And after another year he outstrip the range to the level of his family - he is the youngest person ever who reached that lvl.
Indeed he was able to perfect it in the age of 18, also known as the 2-sided palm™(Created by Louis).
However, when the females started to dissappear Louis asked the monks for permission to go ahead and defeat Julian (or more likely to rescue her)
and they agreed. During the trip he encountered few criminals - but not that much since it was just after the dissappearance -
but a whole bunch of creatures who were specialized melee troops.
Although he was able to get into Julians castle without much effort he had to bear down a strange feeling right before a big hall.
"That must be it... if i defeat him im able to see her again." he thought and went in.
The moment entered the hall he felt paralized, "something is watching me and gets closer..."he thought.
Louis changed to a deffensive stance and watched out for every movement. He thought "Calm down... prepare for the worst" ,
closed his eyes and tried to get one with his environment. "It cant be.. i feel no life form here except of myself.." he thought,
and opened his eyes. But what he saw right in front of him made him speechless.
But still he bear that feeling down again - succesfully - and remembered why he came here.
Louis did everything right: keep the enemy at distance since you dont know his abilitys and test him before going to a closerange fight. But nothing helped. It seems like the phoenix palm only push him not even 1 metre back, and he was forced to go closerange and fight but his attacks were still only scratching or hitting illusions of Julian. "Damn it hes just playing with me.."he thought.
"Why?.." he asked himself while dodging Julians punches.
The reason was deep inside of him hided under his noble soul he had a grudge against his family.
When Louis realized that his determination to rescue jan wasnt enough to beat Julian.
In despair and fear of death he tried to focus on the grudge he had against his family and
transformed to LouisEX, now hes just fighting for his own sake.
The transformation caused a big impact which removed his armor
and he reflexive grabbed after the emblem in the chest part.
That thing transformed into something like a spear
Feeling the overwhelming power of his blood and the new weapon made him arrogant:
He ran towards Julian with full-speed and stabbed him. What was a big mistake.
his spear bumped into Julian but he didnt even get a scratch.
"Impossible..", he thought and dodged Julians counter attack.
On a middle ranged distance he used his phoenix palm but still no reaction.
He ran forward and tried a close range phoenixpalm.
"Hmpf.. then take this!", was his last thought before he lost consciousness...
When he woke up he found himself in the monk temple transformed back to Louis, but with one difference:
He is not longer an EX.
Ever since he was born he was held secretly by the monks because of his bloodline, the EX.
His family are the only ones who have the ability to transform to it but it needs years of training, an iron will and a noble soul
to control it - or you will be controlled.
As a proud member of this bloodline they all had their own symbol, in case of Louis it was his armor .
But the odd thing about Louis is that he was the first male who was able to survive the first transformation while he was a baby.
The rest of his family are all female and he was the black sheep there, thats also the way they treated him - as an outsider.
Only the youngest child of the family supported him her name was Jan.
Though of this deficit he was able to learn the phoenix palm from the monks faster than everyone else.
Explanation:Phoenix palm (or what i call it: nix palm) is an attack which needs concentration and a strong will. It causes an impact from close range to middle range, but they do say there was someone who even could hit a long range phoenix palm. Thats why mostly only monks can use this technique. Most people who train themselves years to find inner peace and still have the will to do so, thats why they start their training at the age of 14.
His phoenix palm reached the lvl of a average monk after only one year, due constant training and the fact that at least one person is willing to bet on him gave him an iron will to do so. And after another year he outstrip the range to the level of his family - he is the youngest person ever who reached that lvl.
Indeed he was able to perfect it in the age of 18, also known as the 2-sided palm™(Created by Louis).
However, when the females started to dissappear Louis asked the monks for permission to go ahead and defeat Julian (or more likely to rescue her)
and they agreed. During the trip he encountered few criminals - but not that much since it was just after the dissappearance -
but a whole bunch of creatures who were specialized melee troops.
Although he was able to get into Julians castle without much effort he had to bear down a strange feeling right before a big hall.
"That must be it... if i defeat him im able to see her again." he thought and went in.
The moment entered the hall he felt paralized, "something is watching me and gets closer..."he thought.
Louis changed to a deffensive stance and watched out for every movement. He thought "Calm down... prepare for the worst" ,
closed his eyes and tried to get one with his environment. "It cant be.. i feel no life form here except of myself.." he thought,
and opened his eyes. But what he saw right in front of him made him speechless.
But still he bear that feeling down again - succesfully - and remembered why he came here.
Louis did everything right: keep the enemy at distance since you dont know his abilitys and test him before going to a closerange fight. But nothing helped. It seems like the phoenix palm only push him not even 1 metre back, and he was forced to go closerange and fight but his attacks were still only scratching or hitting illusions of Julian. "Damn it hes just playing with me.."he thought.
"Why?.." he asked himself while dodging Julians punches.
The reason was deep inside of him hided under his noble soul he had a grudge against his family.
When Louis realized that his determination to rescue jan wasnt enough to beat Julian.
In despair and fear of death he tried to focus on the grudge he had against his family and
transformed to LouisEX, now hes just fighting for his own sake.
The transformation caused a big impact which removed his armor
and he reflexive grabbed after the emblem in the chest part.
That thing transformed into something like a spear
Feeling the overwhelming power of his blood and the new weapon made him arrogant:
He ran towards Julian with full-speed and stabbed him. What was a big mistake.
his spear bumped into Julian but he didnt even get a scratch.
"Impossible..", he thought and dodged Julians counter attack.
On a middle ranged distance he used his phoenix palm but still no reaction.
He ran forward and tried a close range phoenixpalm.
"Hmpf.. then take this!", was his last thought before he lost consciousness...
When he woke up he found himself in the monk temple transformed back to Louis, but with one difference:
He is not longer an EX.
Davis/Woody/Dennis (Click to View)
Davis was born in a small village in the mountains and grew up there.
His family was poor but that doesnt bothered him.
Since it was a small village somewhere in the nowhere it doesnt provide proper education and its also not needed.
Only a few higher ups kids would get instruction.
Once a Grizzly bear tried to attack the village.
Unfortunately at the place where they had class, everyone from the class could escape
but one little kid was in danger. That kid was Davis, he tried to learn reading and writing by watching but this day he was unlucky.When the bear prepared to slash his fangs into Davis two kids of the class appeared to help him.
One of them kicked the bear in the butt with fast kicks and the other rushed to Davis and helped him to get away.
Then the a**-kicking kid ran away too and they distracted it from 3 sides until adults came and shot the bear with arrows down.Those kids became friends soon after that and they also managed to convince the teacher to teach him too.
And thats how Davis met Dennis and Woody. In the village also known as the troublesome trio.
Well you can imagine how life is in a place somewhere with somewhat "connection" to the outside:
When u get into teenage your pretty bored so whats left to do? Watch your environment its a perfect place to train yourselves and that exactly what they did training their bodys in the mountain and something like martial arts, but more likely surviving in the mountains art. And all of them got their own style: Davis specialized on punches Dennis:Fast and wide combining kicks and Woody: Use both hands and legs to hit crucial points.
Now they could take down every animal alone or together, they had always together the right thing to do.
Unfortunately is this a bad parameter in this case: they all fell in love with the same girl but didnt tell each other about it.
And on a feast provided from their village they all wanted to confess and called her at the same time to meet on a place which was really special to each of them: the place where they succesfully distracted the bear (as lucky charm).
When all three of them showed up they were all confused and filled with worrys.
Naturally they all started to argue and when it ended the girl wasnt there anymore.
Filled with anger and sorrow they all went home cursing each other.
The next day they ignored each other, that continues until one week passes and a rumor arrived in the village.
It says that all females dissapeared about one week ago, because of Julian an evil magician.
And there they take seperate ways, but with the same determination: to be the first who defeat Julian, and confess their love.
His family was poor but that doesnt bothered him.
Since it was a small village somewhere in the nowhere it doesnt provide proper education and its also not needed.
Only a few higher ups kids would get instruction.
Once a Grizzly bear tried to attack the village.
Unfortunately at the place where they had class, everyone from the class could escape
but one little kid was in danger. That kid was Davis, he tried to learn reading and writing by watching but this day he was unlucky.When the bear prepared to slash his fangs into Davis two kids of the class appeared to help him.
One of them kicked the bear in the butt with fast kicks and the other rushed to Davis and helped him to get away.
Then the a**-kicking kid ran away too and they distracted it from 3 sides until adults came and shot the bear with arrows down.Those kids became friends soon after that and they also managed to convince the teacher to teach him too.
And thats how Davis met Dennis and Woody. In the village also known as the troublesome trio.
Well you can imagine how life is in a place somewhere with somewhat "connection" to the outside:
When u get into teenage your pretty bored so whats left to do? Watch your environment its a perfect place to train yourselves and that exactly what they did training their bodys in the mountain and something like martial arts, but more likely surviving in the mountains art. And all of them got their own style: Davis specialized on punches Dennis:Fast and wide combining kicks and Woody: Use both hands and legs to hit crucial points.
Now they could take down every animal alone or together, they had always together the right thing to do.
Unfortunately is this a bad parameter in this case: they all fell in love with the same girl but didnt tell each other about it.
And on a feast provided from their village they all wanted to confess and called her at the same time to meet on a place which was really special to each of them: the place where they succesfully distracted the bear (as lucky charm).
When all three of them showed up they were all confused and filled with worrys.
Naturally they all started to argue and when it ended the girl wasnt there anymore.
Filled with anger and sorrow they all went home cursing each other.
The next day they ignored each other, that continues until one week passes and a rumor arrived in the village.
It says that all females dissapeared about one week ago, because of Julian an evil magician.
And there they take seperate ways, but with the same determination: to be the first who defeat Julian, and confess their love.
Henry (Click to View)
When Henry was still a baby he was abandoned, because of unknown reasons. However he was taken by a strange woman and grew up as her son.
With two brothers who were her real children, and his new family, he had an easy and peaceful childhood, and since the woman succeeded enough money from her dead husband they had everything they wished for.
If it wasnt for a coincidence it could have stayed the way it was, but fate had something planned for him:
It was on his 10th"birthday", when he found a suspicious old painting in the storage room: a painting where his both brothers his mum and an old men pictured. Sure he was confused about it but, he didnt care since it was his birthday and didnt give it a second thought,
if his family hadnt been reacting so suspicous about the room. So he had no choice but to face the truth.
After he heard it he questioned everything about his until then known facts, his family and his own existance.
Feeling like if hes abandoned again he ran crying away, with only one thought in his mind: "Who am I?".
When his mind cleared he found himself deep in the forest. It was dark and the sounds of the animals around him were scary.
Suddenly a copse rustled behind him. His red tear stained face turned pale, while keeping his eyes on the copse.
He was relieved and sighed after he saw a squirrel jumping out of it. "Scary, huh?", said an unknown voice behind him.
Henry turned around and wanted to kick the stranger, but he just block it without any effort. "Not so fast little one, haha" he smiled and said ,"My name is Dorian.", but Henry still stayed in his stance," We monks dont harm any humans. What are you doing here alone in the forest?".
He answered: "I could ask you the same". Dorian laughed and said: "Good point, well im meditating it is part of my training" "And what about you?"
Henry relaxed a bit and asked: "Your a monk right?" Dorian nodded "Can you do something like fortune telling or look into the past?"
Dorian smirked and answered: "It is certainly true that monks can do, but only the elders, what youve heard about are mostly rumors.
But what i can do is to help people find inner peace, and you seem disturbed"
He answered: "Take me with you, if you help me i offer you my serves."
Dorian said: "Well its my job to help people so you dont need to serve me"
So Dorian took Henry with him and trained him aiming for inner peace. Although the monk said that he dont need his service,
Henry went hunting for food and other ingredients and he mastered the bow, while he was meditating and every night, after dinner Dorian gave him lessons about how to reach inner peace and whats it is about. Sometimes he mentioned the word phoenix palm, but Henry didnt ask what it is.
After a few years of this routine the monk finished his meditation and was able to perform a small phoenix palm.
Totally excited he tells Henry about the feeling when he focused his energy to his hand and released the palm, shortly after that the monk fainted.
When Dorian woke up three days has passed and what he saw with his eyes made him believe he is still dreaming:
Henry performed succesfully a middle ranged phoenix palm but with different style, he uses both hands and it doesnt look at all like an usual one.
"Impossible... that kid is able to do this without the right stance and years of training." He thought.
Henry noticed that he finally woke up grinned and greeted him: "Hey, Dorian saw that? and i didnt faint! though i can do it only once.. I think it has something to do with my stamina, and the lack of meditation. Lets train together!"
And they did so until some day bandits and hunters appeared, they surrounded them but Henry and Dorian successfully defeated them.
After tying up every singe one they told them about the rumors. While Dorian is indifferent about the news, Henry reflexive thought about his stepmother.
When the monk saw him brood over something he told Henry to go and make sure if everything is alright and that he either way has to visit his temple so that he can go.
And with that Henry packed his bow and arrows and prepared for the trip.
With two brothers who were her real children, and his new family, he had an easy and peaceful childhood, and since the woman succeeded enough money from her dead husband they had everything they wished for.
If it wasnt for a coincidence it could have stayed the way it was, but fate had something planned for him:
It was on his 10th"birthday", when he found a suspicious old painting in the storage room: a painting where his both brothers his mum and an old men pictured. Sure he was confused about it but, he didnt care since it was his birthday and didnt give it a second thought,
if his family hadnt been reacting so suspicous about the room. So he had no choice but to face the truth.
After he heard it he questioned everything about his until then known facts, his family and his own existance.
Feeling like if hes abandoned again he ran crying away, with only one thought in his mind: "Who am I?".
When his mind cleared he found himself deep in the forest. It was dark and the sounds of the animals around him were scary.
Suddenly a copse rustled behind him. His red tear stained face turned pale, while keeping his eyes on the copse.
He was relieved and sighed after he saw a squirrel jumping out of it. "Scary, huh?", said an unknown voice behind him.
Henry turned around and wanted to kick the stranger, but he just block it without any effort. "Not so fast little one, haha" he smiled and said ,"My name is Dorian.", but Henry still stayed in his stance," We monks dont harm any humans. What are you doing here alone in the forest?".
He answered: "I could ask you the same". Dorian laughed and said: "Good point, well im meditating it is part of my training" "And what about you?"
Henry relaxed a bit and asked: "Your a monk right?" Dorian nodded "Can you do something like fortune telling or look into the past?"
Dorian smirked and answered: "It is certainly true that monks can do, but only the elders, what youve heard about are mostly rumors.
But what i can do is to help people find inner peace, and you seem disturbed"
He answered: "Take me with you, if you help me i offer you my serves."
Dorian said: "Well its my job to help people so you dont need to serve me"
So Dorian took Henry with him and trained him aiming for inner peace. Although the monk said that he dont need his service,
Henry went hunting for food and other ingredients and he mastered the bow, while he was meditating and every night, after dinner Dorian gave him lessons about how to reach inner peace and whats it is about. Sometimes he mentioned the word phoenix palm, but Henry didnt ask what it is.
After a few years of this routine the monk finished his meditation and was able to perform a small phoenix palm.
Totally excited he tells Henry about the feeling when he focused his energy to his hand and released the palm, shortly after that the monk fainted.
When Dorian woke up three days has passed and what he saw with his eyes made him believe he is still dreaming:
Henry performed succesfully a middle ranged phoenix palm but with different style, he uses both hands and it doesnt look at all like an usual one.
"Impossible... that kid is able to do this without the right stance and years of training." He thought.
Henry noticed that he finally woke up grinned and greeted him: "Hey, Dorian saw that? and i didnt faint! though i can do it only once.. I think it has something to do with my stamina, and the lack of meditation. Lets train together!"
And they did so until some day bandits and hunters appeared, they surrounded them but Henry and Dorian successfully defeated them.
After tying up every singe one they told them about the rumors. While Dorian is indifferent about the news, Henry reflexive thought about his stepmother.
When the monk saw him brood over something he told Henry to go and make sure if everything is alright and that he either way has to visit his temple so that he can go.
And with that Henry packed his bow and arrows and prepared for the trip.
John (Click to View)
The story of John is the most difficult one, it doesnt start with his birth but more likely with his parents past:
His father was a young man from the lowerclass society and his mother a beautiful girl from one of the higherups.
Their relation was of course forbidden but they still met each other, but since she had a disease not long to live.
Thats why they eloped, and eight months afterwards - when she was about to give birth - her health went down.
The doctor said that she wouldnt survive if she gives the kid birth, but she wanted to give him the live she couldnt live.
On the night where john was born his mother died and his father left him with a picture of his mother, a letter with her last wish - that John grows up without knowing that his real mother died - and some money for the person who picks him up.
John grew up working as a lowclass servant for a middleclass family but they behaved like if they were gods.
With only 7 years he had to work for the expenses he used up and is still using,
although he wasnt built for hard work and succeeded parts of his mothers disease, but also her beauty.
His reason to keep on going is to find his father and his mother to ask him about the truth: "Why did you abandon me".
He endured every humiliation, the low life standard just to pay his debt and search for them.
One day, when he was sent to do the shopping he saw a woman who looked similar to the old picture from his mother.
He followed her quiet and slowly so he could figure out where she is living, back then he was 14.
"That woman leaves the city... i wont give up! i came so far and this is maybe the only opportunity.", he thought and followed her.
After one day of traveling his supplies, which he had to buy, were already consumed, but he still followed her through pure will power.
And after three days his weak body found its limit. "Damn it.. Im so clo...", was his last thought before he fainted.
When John woke up he found himself in a comfortable bed and something to eat and drink next to him.
After he ate and drank to satisfaction he asked himself if he was dead.
Judging by the view of the window he is somewhere in the forest.
"Who rescued me?" he mumbled to himself.
"Ah, your awake." said the person who came in.
John turned around and saw the woman who resembled his mother.
"I knew somebody was following me, but when that person stopped moving I was curious.
Never thought that a little boy would follow me, guess I...hey what do you think your doing?" she said angrily,when he jumped at her and hugged her, but when she looked at his face she calmed down.
John was crying, but couldnt say a word. He wanted to wait, wait until she was ready to tell him the truth by herself.
When he calmed down he the woman left the room with the words: "By the way my name is Jawn".
Of course he was curious about her and followed her. He swung his mouth open, because what he saw there was not the thing he expected:
His mother was a female magician, when she saw him with that funny expression on his face, she told him about her job.
She was a supporting mage, with healing spells and energy shields.
There was one big scroll on a wall with mysterious symbols on it, and he asked what it is.
Jawn said that it contains the secret spell of her family, the energy disk.
Even if you learn how to create one you need years of training to control it and only few magicians were able to.
Its said that in the right hands it can kill a whole army with one attack, but she denied the fact that a weapon can provide a good purpose.
"She doesnt sounds like a person who would abandon her own child.. i have to stay anyhow and learn more about her.", he thought
and thus said: "I want to be your apprentice! please teach me how to use healing magic.".
Jawn was surprised, most young kids want to fight and after a second thought she answered:"Hmm, under normal circumstances i wouldnt take an apprentice...", John looked down,"but in this case i make an exception!".
And this is how John started learning about magic. His first lesson was how to concentrate energy, but he tried the whole day and failed. The next day She brought him some kind of stick and told him to concentrate energy to the end of it, the result was a tiny energy "ball" and Jawn couldnt resist but to laugh, when the "ball" turned into smoke and John had to laugh too.
Jawn was a great teacher always supporting and finding solutions to every problem. When he finally mastered to turn the energy ball into a healing one, they started directly with the energy shield. Since John mastered to focus energy it was a piece of cake to do that. The last thing she would teach him was to create an energy blast, which was meant to attack.
With much less motivation she told him to focus energy alot of energy and release it at the right time.
If you release too less energy it would be wasted energy, and if you release too much your stick would broke and in the worst case, the person who released it gets hit. John was able to perform it on the first try, though he got a pushback because of his weak body.
And with this three years has passed. John had no intention of asking her if she was his mother, because he was happy the way it was. But one day Jawn disappeared, and shortly after that he got the message that all females disappeared, because of an evil magician named Julian. For John there wouldbe only one thing to do, he have to rescue her. But in order to do that he would have to fight, the thing she hated most. But John made up his mind: in order to save her he will do anything he can do, so he packed his back and took the scroll on the wall with him...
His father was a young man from the lowerclass society and his mother a beautiful girl from one of the higherups.
Their relation was of course forbidden but they still met each other, but since she had a disease not long to live.
Thats why they eloped, and eight months afterwards - when she was about to give birth - her health went down.
The doctor said that she wouldnt survive if she gives the kid birth, but she wanted to give him the live she couldnt live.
On the night where john was born his mother died and his father left him with a picture of his mother, a letter with her last wish - that John grows up without knowing that his real mother died - and some money for the person who picks him up.
John grew up working as a lowclass servant for a middleclass family but they behaved like if they were gods.
With only 7 years he had to work for the expenses he used up and is still using,
although he wasnt built for hard work and succeeded parts of his mothers disease, but also her beauty.
His reason to keep on going is to find his father and his mother to ask him about the truth: "Why did you abandon me".
He endured every humiliation, the low life standard just to pay his debt and search for them.
One day, when he was sent to do the shopping he saw a woman who looked similar to the old picture from his mother.
He followed her quiet and slowly so he could figure out where she is living, back then he was 14.
"That woman leaves the city... i wont give up! i came so far and this is maybe the only opportunity.", he thought and followed her.
After one day of traveling his supplies, which he had to buy, were already consumed, but he still followed her through pure will power.
And after three days his weak body found its limit. "Damn it.. Im so clo...", was his last thought before he fainted.
When John woke up he found himself in a comfortable bed and something to eat and drink next to him.
After he ate and drank to satisfaction he asked himself if he was dead.
Judging by the view of the window he is somewhere in the forest.
"Who rescued me?" he mumbled to himself.
"Ah, your awake." said the person who came in.
John turned around and saw the woman who resembled his mother.
"I knew somebody was following me, but when that person stopped moving I was curious.
Never thought that a little boy would follow me, guess I...hey what do you think your doing?" she said angrily,when he jumped at her and hugged her, but when she looked at his face she calmed down.
John was crying, but couldnt say a word. He wanted to wait, wait until she was ready to tell him the truth by herself.
When he calmed down he the woman left the room with the words: "By the way my name is Jawn".
Of course he was curious about her and followed her. He swung his mouth open, because what he saw there was not the thing he expected:
His mother was a female magician, when she saw him with that funny expression on his face, she told him about her job.
She was a supporting mage, with healing spells and energy shields.
There was one big scroll on a wall with mysterious symbols on it, and he asked what it is.
Jawn said that it contains the secret spell of her family, the energy disk.
Even if you learn how to create one you need years of training to control it and only few magicians were able to.
Its said that in the right hands it can kill a whole army with one attack, but she denied the fact that a weapon can provide a good purpose.
"She doesnt sounds like a person who would abandon her own child.. i have to stay anyhow and learn more about her.", he thought
and thus said: "I want to be your apprentice! please teach me how to use healing magic.".
Jawn was surprised, most young kids want to fight and after a second thought she answered:"Hmm, under normal circumstances i wouldnt take an apprentice...", John looked down,"but in this case i make an exception!".
And this is how John started learning about magic. His first lesson was how to concentrate energy, but he tried the whole day and failed. The next day She brought him some kind of stick and told him to concentrate energy to the end of it, the result was a tiny energy "ball" and Jawn couldnt resist but to laugh, when the "ball" turned into smoke and John had to laugh too.
Jawn was a great teacher always supporting and finding solutions to every problem. When he finally mastered to turn the energy ball into a healing one, they started directly with the energy shield. Since John mastered to focus energy it was a piece of cake to do that. The last thing she would teach him was to create an energy blast, which was meant to attack.
With much less motivation she told him to focus energy alot of energy and release it at the right time.
If you release too less energy it would be wasted energy, and if you release too much your stick would broke and in the worst case, the person who released it gets hit. John was able to perform it on the first try, though he got a pushback because of his weak body.
And with this three years has passed. John had no intention of asking her if she was his mother, because he was happy the way it was. But one day Jawn disappeared, and shortly after that he got the message that all females disappeared, because of an evil magician named Julian. For John there wouldbe only one thing to do, he have to rescue her. But in order to do that he would have to fight, the thing she hated most. But John made up his mind: in order to save her he will do anything he can do, so he packed his back and took the scroll on the wall with him...
Deep past (Click to View)
Deep was born in a big city, as a child of the lowest class: his mother was abandoned, and his father was just one of the guys who raped his mother, when she was abandoned. Although they had to live under bad conditions and in debts, his mother provided him a peaceful life, in exchange of her. When Deep was around 11 years old things got worse: they couldnt pay the rent and had to move out. Unfortunately there are rivalry clans fighting outside, and during an intense fight his mother got killed.
When his mother died he filled his heart with anger, and rushed to the next weapon he saw. The moment he held the sword it started to glow a little in a red color, and he felt a weird power coming from the sword, but he couldnt think about it, because in the next moment it started to control him, and he slashed the closest person with an enormous power, an uncontrollable power.
In about a hour he annihilated both clans, with the count of 50 men per clan.
After he was done the sword gave him the control back, but he fell unconscious the same moment.
When he woke up, he found himself in a prison.
"Hey, finally your awake! My name is Alice", said a smooth voice over him.
When he looked up, he saw a girl around his age
and answered
Deep: "Yeah, Im Deep ... where am I? Or better, why am I here?"
Alice: "The guardians say you were found somewhere in the sea of corpses holding a sword, and that you might be a dangerous person."
Deep: "I see...., then why did they put me in the same cell your in? Or why are you here?..."
Alice: "Me? hmm.. they accuse me for using black magic, thats why we are put in the same cell"
Deep struggled to ask more, but he was curious about the girl, magic and his sword
Deep: "So... did you?"
Alice: "Depends on what you believe black magic is. If its summoning dead creatures and skeletons, then.... no~.
If its moving things around and exposing people who deserve it, then yes."
and grinned.
"theyll probably execute me in a month, but my clan is going to help me break out."
When Deep heard the word "clan", he got a strange feeling. His body was burning and his sight turned red.
He was about to faint again, when the sword he had went flying through the door, towards him. In the last second he grabbed the sword, and everything turned normal.
Alice mumbled: "What the hell was that?!".
Deep answered: "I dont know, it jus....".
A cracking door interrupted their talk, and a huge man walked in.
He was very musculus, and wore a tank top - which increased the effect - and a pair of sunglasses.
"A cursed sword went flying, and the trace ends here! So where is it?", he said and looked around.
Alice whispered: "Hide the sword. Fast!". And so he did.
Since there was no answer the man went along the floor looking for every movement, but Deep was able to hide it behind him.
The mans eyes stopped at Alice: "You..! I should have known it!", opened the cell and dragged her out by pulling on her hair.
While watching this sight, Deep got that strange feeling again, but this time his sight didnt turn red, and he could control it a little, because the sword was in his hands.
No, this time its power is more intense, forcing him to move the sword.
But when he moved the sword an energy blast came out of it, moving towards the man and Alice.
Fortunately Alice wasnt hit, but her long hair.
Confused, and shocked the two of them left the man - who was frozen by fear - behind and escaped.
Fortunately, none of the guards were informed about the situation - except of the musculus man - and their escape went without any problems.
Out of the castle Alice gave Deep a frown and said: "What the hell did you think you were doing?!" and grabbed in the air, where her long hair used to be.
Deep answered: "It was not my fault! The sword moved by itself, and how could i know that this was going to happen?"
Alice replied with an energy ball, which missed Deep by a hairbreadth.
When Deep wanted to yell at her what that was for, they heard some horses moving towards them.
They wanted to hide, but it was already too late. Both of them were captured in a net, and Deep was hit unconscious.
When he woke up, he found himself in a bed. His head was aching, but he was curious about the whereabouts of Alice and himself, so he walked outside, instead of resting.
Outside there was a big floor with a well known crest with the initial "TF". The moment he saw it, he knew where he was: the Headquarter of the TigerFury. They are the Elite clan of the city - working like the government, they control everything for the peoples sake, no... more like a whole province, thats why almost noone is able to join them. Deep had mixed feeling when he realized where he was. Partly honored, partly unsure of their reputation and partly apathetic, since he didnt want to do anything with clans.
He asked the every person he saw for Alice, but they all seem not to know anyone called Alice.
He was already searching for an hour, and was already about to give up, when someone called him over to follow him.
They walked and walked, until he saw a big door. "What is this place?" Deep asked the man.
"The audience room, over there. The clan leader awaits you.", he answered, opened the door and gave him the signal of entering.
After Deep was in he closed the door, and an old, but strong voice said: "Ive been waiting for you along time now..., my name is Luke and im the clan leader of the TigerFury."
Deep answered: "Im honored to meet you, sir. Im sorry, but i just woke up and i was looking for a friend of mine, her name is Alice do you know her?."
Luke smirked and said: " Of course i know my own daughter, rest assured right now she is locked in her room, as punishment for her actions."
Deep: "Oh, she never told me that she is the daughter of yours, now that you mention it, why noone i met knew about her?"
Luke: "Well im the clan leader, if people know about her, they try to kidnap her. Do you have any further questions or may we talk about the reason why you are here?"
Deep: "Sorry, please continue."
Luke: "Im sorry for the troubles i made to bring you to me, but youll understand when im done with my story."
When his mother died he filled his heart with anger, and rushed to the next weapon he saw. The moment he held the sword it started to glow a little in a red color, and he felt a weird power coming from the sword, but he couldnt think about it, because in the next moment it started to control him, and he slashed the closest person with an enormous power, an uncontrollable power.
In about a hour he annihilated both clans, with the count of 50 men per clan.
After he was done the sword gave him the control back, but he fell unconscious the same moment.
When he woke up, he found himself in a prison.
"Hey, finally your awake! My name is Alice", said a smooth voice over him.
When he looked up, he saw a girl around his age
and answered
Deep: "Yeah, Im Deep ... where am I? Or better, why am I here?"
Alice: "The guardians say you were found somewhere in the sea of corpses holding a sword, and that you might be a dangerous person."
Deep: "I see...., then why did they put me in the same cell your in? Or why are you here?..."
Alice: "Me? hmm.. they accuse me for using black magic, thats why we are put in the same cell"
Deep struggled to ask more, but he was curious about the girl, magic and his sword
Deep: "So... did you?"
Alice: "Depends on what you believe black magic is. If its summoning dead creatures and skeletons, then.... no~.
If its moving things around and exposing people who deserve it, then yes."
and grinned.
"theyll probably execute me in a month, but my clan is going to help me break out."
When Deep heard the word "clan", he got a strange feeling. His body was burning and his sight turned red.
He was about to faint again, when the sword he had went flying through the door, towards him. In the last second he grabbed the sword, and everything turned normal.
Alice mumbled: "What the hell was that?!".
Deep answered: "I dont know, it jus....".
A cracking door interrupted their talk, and a huge man walked in.
He was very musculus, and wore a tank top - which increased the effect - and a pair of sunglasses.
"A cursed sword went flying, and the trace ends here! So where is it?", he said and looked around.
Alice whispered: "Hide the sword. Fast!". And so he did.
Since there was no answer the man went along the floor looking for every movement, but Deep was able to hide it behind him.
The mans eyes stopped at Alice: "You..! I should have known it!", opened the cell and dragged her out by pulling on her hair.
While watching this sight, Deep got that strange feeling again, but this time his sight didnt turn red, and he could control it a little, because the sword was in his hands.
No, this time its power is more intense, forcing him to move the sword.
But when he moved the sword an energy blast came out of it, moving towards the man and Alice.
Fortunately Alice wasnt hit, but her long hair.
Confused, and shocked the two of them left the man - who was frozen by fear - behind and escaped.
Fortunately, none of the guards were informed about the situation - except of the musculus man - and their escape went without any problems.
Out of the castle Alice gave Deep a frown and said: "What the hell did you think you were doing?!" and grabbed in the air, where her long hair used to be.
Deep answered: "It was not my fault! The sword moved by itself, and how could i know that this was going to happen?"
Alice replied with an energy ball, which missed Deep by a hairbreadth.
When Deep wanted to yell at her what that was for, they heard some horses moving towards them.
They wanted to hide, but it was already too late. Both of them were captured in a net, and Deep was hit unconscious.
When he woke up, he found himself in a bed. His head was aching, but he was curious about the whereabouts of Alice and himself, so he walked outside, instead of resting.
Outside there was a big floor with a well known crest with the initial "TF". The moment he saw it, he knew where he was: the Headquarter of the TigerFury. They are the Elite clan of the city - working like the government, they control everything for the peoples sake, no... more like a whole province, thats why almost noone is able to join them. Deep had mixed feeling when he realized where he was. Partly honored, partly unsure of their reputation and partly apathetic, since he didnt want to do anything with clans.
He asked the every person he saw for Alice, but they all seem not to know anyone called Alice.
He was already searching for an hour, and was already about to give up, when someone called him over to follow him.
They walked and walked, until he saw a big door. "What is this place?" Deep asked the man.
"The audience room, over there. The clan leader awaits you.", he answered, opened the door and gave him the signal of entering.
After Deep was in he closed the door, and an old, but strong voice said: "Ive been waiting for you along time now..., my name is Luke and im the clan leader of the TigerFury."
Deep answered: "Im honored to meet you, sir. Im sorry, but i just woke up and i was looking for a friend of mine, her name is Alice do you know her?."
Luke smirked and said: " Of course i know my own daughter, rest assured right now she is locked in her room, as punishment for her actions."
Deep: "Oh, she never told me that she is the daughter of yours, now that you mention it, why noone i met knew about her?"
Luke: "Well im the clan leader, if people know about her, they try to kidnap her. Do you have any further questions or may we talk about the reason why you are here?"
Deep: "Sorry, please continue."
Luke: "Im sorry for the troubles i made to bring you to me, but youll understand when im done with my story."
And srry but im editing the upper texts with ideas and formatting so that it sounds fluently so it can be that u read an older version
and i cant work with word cause im typing with different laptops on different places ^^ and this way its easier for me to let my idea roll into the text xD
and btw i punish reading without commenting with a bite like in my avatar!

another idea: got a song who ill put an link to it after i wrote down the whole past of all chars i think it applys xD or at the end idk ^^
But what u can expect in the future is that ill (hopefully) finish the past and start with the story xD
When that time comes ill change the title <--- ideas welcome xD
More coming when i feel like writing...
E:added the causes + title now its reasonable

E2:added Louis past
E3:added Davis/Woody/Dennis past
E4:added Henry past
E5:added John past
E6:added Deep past grasp =p
E7:added Deep grasp extention xD