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LF2 Survival Challenge
This challenge should be done on the custom stage (download here on Difficult, single player or two players, on Survival mode. The goal is to achieve the highest stage possible and secondly to reach that stage quickly. The biggest goal is to beat Stage 30, which is very difficult to do.


The Stage (download here

I have been spending much time on this stage - designing carefully and testing every stage to balance them ^^ . Now it is neat and enjoyable to play :D . Starting from a harder point compared to the standard stage, you won't waste too much time playing the easier stages, although it also means this is a hardly enjoyable for beginners. Also, we don't have to pass the whole 3 stages of random heroes, which may be boring. We only have one such stage per sequence now.

Please give this survival stage a try and post your recording(s) :D . I will count your score. I will be inviting players more actively now to get more recordings :P . [][][][][][][][]Actually my idea in the first place is to make a video such like a 'fake' survival competition. I will of course admit to the viewers that this is a fake competition (such as claiming to be played live in 30 fps, lol), but it can still be exciting to watch for example 2 of the top recordings at once with commentary in a 'live competition' style. That is, of course, with the players' permission. And that is, of course, if you guys play this, so let's try it :D .

Submitted Scores
Thanks given by: zort
This actually sounds kind of interesting. :p If i ever get the time, I'd probably tackle it with somebody *coughbpcough*, though can't make any promises.

Got any specific rules in mind? Like, move restrictions and so forth.
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Thanks given by: Kevin
Do you mean CRAZY! and not Difficult? cause on Difficult the difficulty curve is far too gentle. On CRAZY! it's just a tad too slow to get started for my taste; after the first few stages it's joyous.

EDIT: Indeed, you must have meant CRAZY!, because I very nearly beat stage 30 on Difficult, on my first solo attempt at that.

Attached Files
.lfr   20120401_194426_Survival.lfr (Size: 23.01 KB / Downloads: 66)
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(04-02-2012, 12:16 AM)zort Wrote:  Do you mean CRAZY! and not Difficult? cause on Difficult the difficulty curve is far too gentle. On CRAZY! it's just a tad too slow to get started for my taste; after the first few stages it's joyous.
It will become very difficult in CRAZY!
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(04-02-2012, 02:35 AM)drako Wrote:  
(04-02-2012, 12:16 AM)zort Wrote:  Do you mean CRAZY! and not Difficult? cause on Difficult the difficulty curve is far too gentle. On CRAZY! it's just a tad too slow to get started for my taste; after the first few stages it's joyous.
It will become very difficult in CRAZY!

Yeah, that's the idea. I don't like grinding, i.e. beating waves that aren't challenging.
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(04-02-2012, 12:16 AM)zort Wrote:  Yeah, that's the idea. I don't like grinding, i.e. beating waves that aren't challenging.
hmm...I see. So, when are you going to post your progress? I'll be looking for it.

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Really, is Difficult too easy? xD .
I'm still thinking whether banning Henry is necessary. In my LFT series, Henry still does averagely even though I disallowed flute, and limit all his other special moves to only 1 time per fight, which I think is enough to show that he needs to be nerved :P . But in the end, I think it is hard for Henry to grab a big time bonus since he lacks the ability to deal damage quickly. I hope so.

I think Deep and Rudolf will be the ones who're quite overpowered now, because of their dash attack, they may be the best characters to finish the opponents quickly.

Oo, about Rudolf, what about his moves; transform, disappear and clones. Transforming into bosses/heroes is not allowed since it will make him the best char. I think transforming into followers shouldn't be allowed either, but I will wait for your opinion about this. This rule is necessary: you can only have 2 clones at once. Clone and disappear both only once per stage seems fair to me.

At least, if you can beat Stage 30, time will determine the winner. It's like a Marathon challenge rather than a Survival challenge :P . Most people will fail to reach the finish, but the good players will still seek to win as fast as possible, and I have thought about this that a video of winning games will have better ending than a video of losing ones :P , or at least I think so.

This stage is not designed for CRAZY, but since it is partly designed for two players, single player CRAZY can still be good to play. If Difficult is too easy, maybe we need CRAZY, but then I will guess no one is gonna beat all the stages ? Well, it is survival anyway. But for now, let's stick to Difficult :)

I'm really confused since Deep and Rudolf is really OP with their dash attacks..... should the scores for them be separated from others? I'm pretty sure the best time bonuses will only be for Deep and Rudolf. Of course it'll be fairest if scores for each hero be separated but we won't have enough players for that? lol . Definitely the heroes aren't perfectly balanced and it's much of a problem in making high scores.
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I genuinely cannot tell if I'm out of shape, picked the wrong character, or if survival is ridiculously hard on crazy. Barely missed to get to stage 3 :p

Definitely going to spend a little more time with it until I get into the double-digit. Or, alternatively, try to get there with a certain somebody *coughdoncough*

Either way, this looks like a really nice challenge :D
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Thanks given by: Kevin
How about abandoning the goal of being totally mechanical about ranking people? For now just order the attempts by their scores, and if, as you said, it turns out that all the high scores are with Deep or Rudolf or Henry or Charizard, well, give brownie points for not using those characters (put some text by their score listing to the effect of "this guy didn't use Charizard, that's pretty impressive"). As for what special moves to forbid, just deduct brownie points. I'm saying this because banning stuff sounds like a huge pain. (Hmm, in my near-win (@drako: see edited post above) I did use Rudolf, transform into Jan, and go invisible a couple of times. I think it's beatable with not-Deep/Rudolf/Henry, if I were willing to try umpteen times.)

Thanks given by: Kevin
Nice post zort!
I think I have that thought in my little mind, now that you bring it out, that's really what I want!
The ****** with rankings and points, as we will just see who plays the best :P . We may need some subjectivity anyway in the scoring. Simply, we don't need something like reaching the highest stage possible (of course this is still an important point and I still hope the records should beat stage 30 on Difficult or idk on Crazy), because there are so many un-measurable values of each replay we may submit. We may open a poll to select the best two records or create a small team to make the decision or something like that.

And thanks for trying :D . Your record was great zort. if only you could avoid that explosion from Julian, very close xD . Hope we can see some more nice records (looks like I'll see BP's too soon?? XD )

Now I have some time and I will try Crazy :) .

ehh one more thing, Nullbyte wanted to play but he couldn't get his FPS changer working. He's having a sprite bug on Windows 7. As I remember the bug occurs for 2.0a and the FPS changer only works for 2.0a. I'm quite confused because for me the FPS changer only works for 2.0 instead.
Thanks given by: John Fighterli

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