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I ran a test on Justin, and I chose a character to 1VS1 a computer using Justin. With Difficult and Crazy mode tested, the Justin seemed to fail in using DVA. Plus while I was on the right side of Justin, the com used D<A instead of D>A. It happens that somehow the AI is not functioning properly and Justin's AI is a more obvious way to notice the problem.
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04-07-2015, 01:05 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-07-2015, 04:56 PM by Archer-Dante.)
Quote:I ran a test on Justin, and I chose a character to 1VS1 a computer using Justin. With Difficult and Crazy mode tested, the Justin seemed to fail in using DVA. Plus while I was on the right side of Justin, the com used D<A instead of D>A. It happens that somehow the AI is not functioning properly and Justin's AI is a more obvious way to notice the problem. Shock
Thanks for the report!
Well, i'm not going to do anything with AI in near future.
There is a lot of another engine work to do. Need more time
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04-14-2015, 11:30 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-15-2015, 03:52 PM by Archer-Dante.)
Version 2.00 is Up!
Codename: Time Tracing
- New State 3xxyzzz for Time Stop
—— xx - chance of Time Stop (0 = 100%)
—— zzz - time of Time Stop
—— y - Time Stop Type:
————— 0 - stops EVERYTHING, except TS user
————— 1 - stops EVERYTHING, except characters and objects with same team as TS user
————— 2 - stops EVERY object, except characters
- New State 2xxxyyy, ХХХ - mana value, with one you compares. If there is enough mana, then characters goes to "Next:". But if there is not enough - he goes to YYY frame.
- Original "bdy: 1xxx" is reworked, now the "criminal-object" takes the team on his saviour! Also now you can use "bdy 1xxx" with any ID, not only Criminal.dat (ID 300). And now this body allows you transfer object to 0 frame.
- New "bdy: 2xxx", that works same as 1xxx, but without Shaking.
- New "bdy: 3xxx", that works like 1xxx, but allows even the enemy team (Stage Team) trigger this objects. Yet this bdy can be triggered by any ball or item (any type).
- New "bdy: 4xxx", that works same as 3xxx, but withous Shaking.
- New "bdy 50", allows the character to take damage and don't go to the Injury or DOP frames. Unintrerruptable bdy!
- New complex "bdy: xxyyyzzzw":
————— XX - possibility chance in % (0 = 100%)
————— YYY - frame where Target goes on hit (bdy owner)
————— ZZZ - frame where Attacker goes on hit
————— W - additional effect on trigger:
—————————— Without Shaking:
—————————— 0 ~ no effect
—————————— 1 ~ Target will take Attacker's team
—————————— 2 ~ Target will recieve Damage
—————————— 3 ~ Target will take Attacker's team and recieve Damage
—————————— With Shaking:
—————————— 4 ~ no effect
—————————— 5 ~ Target will take Attacker's team
—————————— 6 ~ Target will recieve Damage
—————————— 7 ~ Target will take Attacker's team and recieve Damage
- New "Body Kind 1XXYYYZ":
————— XX - possibility chance (0 = 100%)
————— YYY - % of damage that Attacker will take back in self
————— Z - Damage Type (This cell is just template, for now there is no use expect "0" value)
(The Armor works BEFORE this "bdy", so till armor is up, bdy will not triggers. Works only with Type-0 attacker and target)
- New "Itr\Kind: 1000" for instant move to X, Y and Z coordinates
To set them use "x:", "y:" и "z:" inside ITR.
Set "Injury:" to change Frame instantly after transfer.
All 4 attributes can be set to "-1" for skipping. Additional things:
——— "dvx:" - minimum HP requirement for transfer
——— "dvy:" - minimum MP requirement for transfer
(HP and MP substracts only if both of them is enough)
——— Effect 50, makes no sound and doesn't force the Target go to Injury frames.
- New "base_hp:", for using between <bmp_begin> ... <bmp_end>. Sets the start HP for Character.
- Now you can use Randomizer of summoned object in Stages for optional purpore. Use "1xxxxx" for making object appears on level WITHOUT LF2 random. And if you're interested to use Random, then use regular values below "100000".
x: 100300 ~ makes object appears correctly in that place
x: 300 ~ allows the game randomize this position for a like +\- 100
- "act: zzz" have less limits. Now it can be used for type 0 \ 1 \ 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5 \ 6.
- "act:" is reworked. You can use "act: xxxyyyzz":
xxx - the object appears in this frame if CHANCE is FAILED
yyy - the object appears in this frame if CHANCE is SUCCEED
zz - possibility chance.
- You can set up in what Game Modes F6, F7, F8 and F9 is allowed. Сustomizable thro DLL.
- Now F7 ressurects dead characters after round finished, like it was in LF 1.9
- F7 now cures Poison, Slow, Confuse and Silence effects from PDK engine
- F9 is reworked, now it doen't killing enemy characters if used in mode different from VS. Also there is filter for making some object in game unbrekable by F9, for example if you're using items for Level Design.
- Possibility to use custom HP-bars for characters. Demo is enabled for Julian, try it out!
- Picture spark.png moved to \sprite\UI\ as all other exe pictures
- Added a transparency support and fixes for CMA.png and CMA2.png, and now also allowed for small character pictures *_s.bmp
- The feature of choosing team in Stage Modes is back! Like in old LF2 versions. Enabled by default.
- CRAZY! mode now can be used even in Battle Mode. Enabled by default.
- "hiden:" now can be used as "hidden:"
- "confus:" now can be used as "confuse:"
- "manacle:" now can be used as "silence:"
- "delay:" now can be used as "slow:"
- "respond:" replaced to "sound:" and used for making sound for "effect"
- Mana regen is reworked. Now it's truly have a MP regen increasing if owner lost some HP in percentage. Original code always calculate it relative 500 value. But as long as Bosses and Characters in Neora can have much more max HP, they are now getting additional MP regen only relative % of wantage HP.
- Added Slow Motion on last hit on Round or Stage. Enabled by default (FPS_rework proc)
- Now you can change Window Title of your game. Open in DLL project "lf2.asm", find "GameName" variable and change it as you want. Compile and enjoy 
- The debug info in-game in left up corner with "u0 d0 l0 r0" or alike is now removed.
First post updated and now have full info about engine.
Hope you enjoy it!
Well, i did my weird translation all of PDK features
Chinese -> Russian -> English
So that's a really long path
All features of PDK listed HERE
Don't forget that some of PDK features are reworked in Neora!
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04-16-2015, 10:09 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-16-2015, 10:10 AM by Archer-Dante.)
- New attribute "shp:" (start health power) for setting hp on game start. Must be set between <bmp_begin> and <bmp_end>
- New attribute "smp:" (start mana power) for setting mp on game start. Must be set between <bmp_begin> and <bmp_end>
- "base_hp:" was removed (renamed to "shp")
- Fixed wrong and huge HP appearing in-game
Neora 2.01 - Time Tracing ✔ | Download | Bug Fixes
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04-17-2015, 02:44 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-17-2015, 02:45 PM by Archer-Dante.)
- Fixes the BDY algorithm bug
Neora 2.02 - Time Tracing ✔ | Download | Bug Fixes
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It's always exciting to see new versions coming out  ! Thank you for your work!
Here are some bugs that I tested out in the latest version:
effect 1XXX - target lost XXX HP
effect 2XXX - target gain XXX HP
effect 3XXX - target gain XXX HP
effect 4XXX - target lost XXX MP
effect 5XXX - target gain XXX MP
effect 6XXX - target gain XXX MP
effect 7XXX - target gain XXX MP
effect 8XXX - no effect
bdy: 1XXX - when being attacked, go to frame XXX and change to the team of attacker
bdy: 2XXX - same as 1XXX but without shaking
bdy: 3XXX same as 1XXX (with shaking)
bdy: 3XXX same as 1XXX (with shaking)
bdy: 50 - works fine except being hit by effect: 2 and stuck, like effect: 2 plus fall: <70
body: xxyyyzzzw - doesn't work
smp: XXX - only changes the starting mana amount but not the maximum mana amount (I dont know if this is a bug or not :/ because i can see that shp: changes the maximum HP, so i dont know if smp: is intended to do the same or only the starting mana amout  )
state: 3xxyzz - doesn't work in VS mode and crashes when used in stage mode
the function of delay: in <armor> doesn't work, is it because of the removal of shaker? I can't seem to find the shaker value that can be edit in the radASM like before.
the state: 1700 and kind: 8 doesn't heal if another kind: 8/8XX is affecting the character
the weapons does't seem to lose HP according to the (weapon_drop_hurt: ) when fall on to the floor
state: 6XXX doesn't allow you to hold a key (D/J/A) if up or down is pressed while holding the key
The End
and I would like to ask you a favor - is it possible to set a type of kind: 8 that only sticks to the first person it contacts? >< thank you so much!
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04-17-2015, 04:59 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-17-2015, 08:26 PM by Archer-Dante.)
Quote:the function of delay: in <armor> doesn't work, is it because of the removal of shaker? I can't seem to find the shaker value that can be edit in the radASM like before.
i just removed it from dll souces, cuz they was there for nothing
in exe the same code as it was "in radasm"
i'll answer about other notes some later...
Read the first post.
There is all the function info.
Quote:effect 1XXX - target lost XXX HP
Wrong, Attacker loses HP - Proof
false report
Quote:effect 2XXX - target gain XXX HPP
Wrong, Attacker gain HP - Proof
false report
Quote:effect 3XXX - target gain XXX HP
Wrong, Attacker gain HP - Proof
false report
Quote:effect 4XXX - target lost XXX MP
Wrong, Attacker lost MP - Proof
false report
Quote:effect 5XXX - target gain XXX MP
Wrong, Attacker gain MP - Proof
false report
Quote:effect 6XXX - target gain XXX MP
Wrong, Attacker gain MP - Proof
false report
Quote:effect 7XXX - target gain XXX MP
Wrong, Target lost MP - Proof
false report
Quote:effect 8XXX - no effect
Wrong, Target lost MP and Attacker recieves it - Proof
false report
Here is no bugs, if you can READ how it works
Quote:bdy: 1XXX - when being attacked, go to frame XXX and change to the team of attacker
Wrong, Works fine
false report
Quote:bdy: 2XXX - same as 1XXX but without shaking
Wrong, Works fine
false report
Quote:bdy: 3XXX same as 1XXX (with shaking)
Wrong, Works fine
and also makes Team 5 (Stage Team) able to use is, and can work with Type-3
there is much more difference between 1xxx
false report
Quote:bdy: 50 - works fine except being hit by effect: 2 and stuck, like effect: 2 plus fall: <70
that's real, finaly
i'll fix that
Quote:body: xxyyyzzzw - doesn't work
well, that's work
but it's just forgot 1xxyyyzzzw, description mistake, sry
Quote:mp: XXX - only changes the starting mana amount but not the maximum mana amount (I dont know if this is a bug or not :/ because i can see that shp: changes the maximum HP, so i dont know if smp: is intended to do the same or only the starting mana amout )
that's right
for CURRENT patch there is no maximum mana value.
it doesn't even exist in engine, so i going to make it first, and only after that i can make Max MP changable
Quote:state: 3xxyzz - doesn't work in VS mode and crashes when used in stage mode
In first, there is no 3xxyzz, but 3xxyzz z
Everything works fine:
VS mode:
Stage mode:
another proof
false report
Quote:the function of delay: in <armor> doesn't work
That's my bad
I'm gonna fix that!
Quote:the state: 1700 and kind: 8 doesn't heal if another kind: 8/8XX is affecting the character
Oh, the strange one.
Ty, going to fix it too
Quote:state: 6XXX doesn't allow you to hold a key (D/J/A) if up or down is pressed while holding the key
is it works the same as in PDK?
i never used neither made this state, so i don't know
Quote:and I would like to ask you a favor - is it possible to set a type of kind: 8 that only sticks to the first person it contacts? >< thank you so much!
i think yes, i'll make it
at least make some tries
Quote:state: 6XXX doesn't allow you to hold a key (D/J/A) if up or down is pressed while holding the key
Well. I've done some experiments and found this way state works is ok.
same reaction if you press left \ right , not only up \ down.
It's just as it works.
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04-18-2015, 08:31 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-18-2015, 08:52 AM by hkmnhkmn.)
OK so I found out that the effects are actually working, but only to P1. You see, when I tested out effects, I set the attacker as P2 with effect: 2XXX, and P1 gain the HP XXX. But when I switched to P1 as attacker (like in your proofs), P1 gain the HP XXX. I think the problem is that no matter what player attack with effect: 2XXX, the HP will go to P1.
for the bdy: 1XXX part, sorry I mixed it up XD. I thought the original function of this was transform the owner to ID XXX. My bad! :P
for the timestop state, I tested out with state: 3000500 and works normally!
but when I put the probability to 70% (state: 3700500) and the game crashes in both VS and stage mode but not always, sometimes the game runs normally after I input the skill that the character use timestop, but sometimes it crashes before the skill is used.
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04-18-2015, 10:23 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-18-2015, 10:24 AM by Archer-Dante.)
Quote:OK so I found out that the effects are actually working, but only to P1. You see, when I tested out effects, I set the attacker as P2 with effect: 2XXX, and P1 gain the HP XXX. But when I switched to P1 as attacker (like in your proofs), P1 gain the HP XXX. I think the problem is that no matter what player attack with effect: 2XXX, the HP will go to P1.
interesting remark
i'll check that, ty
Quote:but when I put the probability to 70% (state: 3700500) and the game crashes in both VS and stage mode but not always, sometimes the game runs normally after I input the skill that the character use timestop, but sometimes it crashes before the skill is used.
well, you already said where i can find a bug
i'll test it and in next update all be fine
also i already fixed all other things above, so just wait till one more bugfix update ^^
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04-20-2015, 12:58 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-20-2015, 01:00 PM by Archer-Dante.)
- State 3xxyzzz: Now TimeStop stops even Background animation!
- Shaking Code wrap in dll sources is back in better and optimized form
- Main dll sources page (lf2.asm) now have "Configuration Block". You can set up features in DLL thro it in easy way. Don't like some feature? Then just turn in off with couple of clicks! Also there is a comments with all description you need!
- Fixed bdy\kind 50 now doesn't work against effect 2 \ 20 \ 21 \ 22. The Target will never stuck again.
- Fixed "delay:" attribute used in "armor" section.
- Fixed healing effect from IK8, IK8xx or State 1700 while Target have any IK8xx binded object
- Optimization: fire particles will not spawn anymore while TimeStop works.
- Optimization: "hit_Fa" particles will not spawn anymore while TimeStop works. (Firzen's D^J ~ D^A; Jan's D^A)
- Fixed "hit_Fa" balls destroying bug after TimeStop ends.
- Fixed TimeStop probability crash
- Fixed all effects from 1ххх to 8ххх. Now they works properly and also counts HP Lost and MP Lost for result table
Neora 2.03 - TT ✔ | Download | Bug Fixes
forgot to put something in archive
reuploaded 2.03 ver ~