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LF2 Character Ideas
How bout':

Vintreet: (Norwegian for Vine) It is a female character, mainly cause we don't have NEAR enough of em', but also cause I figure a girl will suit this style better. Kinda like Mother Earth. :D

Attacks and body info:
DvA - Summons a vine from the ground in front of her that catches and ensnares an opponent that comes into contact with it.

Her clothes will be made of plants and vines and her weapon will be two vines, one for each arm, that will be twisted around each arm,
will stick out like swords, and will "wiggle" a little, kind of like a tail during the standing, walking, running, etc frames.

D>A - She will do a rushing combo attack of about 10 quick hits with her vines and some kicks like a combination of Davis and Dennis's
DvA, but a LOT faster and instead of upper-cutting, she will end the combo by striking with her vines in an X pattern like Rudolf's run

D^A - She will summon a medium-sized tree from the ground in front of her that will knock the enemy high in the air so that you may
try n' combo from it and also to hit away an opponent that won't leave you alone, lol. ;)

Now we're gettin' to the really powerful moves that do more damage:
DvJ - This attack can be done both on ground and in the air, it is meant to combo with D^A. If she is in the air, she will do a front flip,
lift her right leg up during the process and quickly and violently, kick downward to send the opponent flying harshly towards the ground.
If she is on the ground, she will quickly kick the opponent into the air and then proceed with the attack the same way as in the air. The
reason I said "quickly" kick the opponent into the air, is so that if you're tryin' to combo off of D^A you will be able to make it on time.

D>J - This attack will take approximately 4 seconds to activate. She will go into her summoning stance like the others, but for 4
seconds long, as opposed to 1. She can be interrupted at any time during the summoning. Then when the 4 seconds are up, she will
summon a Golem of sorts made purely out of big thorny vines to charge forward like Mark's charging attack, but way more powerful in
both damage and knock-back. The Vine Golem will be about 4 characters high and 3 1/2 wide. Of course, this move will cost massive
MP to keep it from bein' overpoweringly spammed, hehe. :p

D^J+DJA+A(x8)- This is her strongest, and most dangerous move! She will spread her arms out diagonally downward and spread her
legs apart a little and will begin to levitate a little above the ground with a strong green aura surrounding her and getting bigger and
bigger for about 5 seconds. She cannot be easily interrupted during this, she will have about 3x the armor of Julian. Then, after those 5
seconds, she will release a HUGE circular-shaped burst of green energy that will hit both enemy AND ally and do massive damage and
knock-back and will heal about 1/8th of your max HP. But you will go into the "Dance of Pain" afterwards. To perform this attack, press
D^J, then you have to press the rest within the 5 seconds: Press DJA, then Press A for a total of 8 times and if you were successful,
the epic attack will commence! Twisted

Well, that's all I got for now. I'll come up with more later. I just kinda came up with this stuff as I typed, lol. xD
Hope you like it! :D

@bashscrazy - Lol, you're right, it does! xD

How bout' this; here's a Hellmove!! Twisted

Press DJA, then you have only a few seconds to press the correct series of keys (kind of like Julian's Hellmove in R-LF2):
DvJ+D^J+DvA+D^A+D>A+D>J. Of course, since this is a Hellmove, she will be invincible for the entire duration of the attack. If
successful, this will take a full bar of MP (so you cannot perform this attack without a completely full MP
bar) and can be used only once per match. Once you are done with the combinations of keys and you are successful, she will enter her
levitating mode just like in the D^J attack. This will last for about 4 or 5 seconds. If she is hit by ANYthing (that includes items like
boulders falling from the sky n' stuff) then she will activate the attacking part of her Hellmove. Yes, this is a counter-type Hellmove. :D
Once it activates, it will not only hit the enemy (or item, lol) that attacked you, but will also hit those within it's area of effect; which
starts from her body and reaches out from both sides of her about 8 character lengths. She will hit those caught in the area of effect
with somewhere around 50 extremely dense and pointy Thorn Vines that will come up below them consecutively and VERY quickly and
will put them in a sort of catch state while the vines are sprouting up so that the enemies can't escape. In fact, the way this Hellmove
will attack is almost exactly like Davis's Hellmove from R-LF2 come to think of it, so there's a reference, lol. xD The damage will very
just like Davis's Hellmove, since the enemies won't always be hit the exact same way. And not many of the vines will sprout straight
upwards since that'd be kind of boring n' cheesy if too many did, most of em' will sprout up in different diagonal angles.

Well, that's all I can really put on here for this idea, mainly cause if I put any more it would test the limits of DCing too far and wouldn't be possible to make this character, lol.

Man I wish I could make this my-self! But I don't have NEAR the skills for spriting nor DCing, but especially spriting, since it would take awesome spriting skills to make it look really good... :(

The Lost Global Mod edited this post 07-09-2011 10:13 AM because:
I removed color-formatting. Hint: Check the rules as to why.
Luke means "Light of the Sacred Flame" in Ancient Ispanian.
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I didn't read it all but sounds a lot like poison ivy from batman.
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idk if its alreadz been said but i didnt see it in projekts and releases so i post my idea here

dunno a name for it though but its based on a nostale char xD played it like few years ago and liked the idea ^^

water element
atk:using a katana and puts it back after each atk doesnt get dmg bonus like kato from albaka
deff:using the scabbard
jump:basic jump? nothing in particular

d>a=longer range slash animation shld be fast i thought of a close range atk but u can do it fast and without much delay cost not much mp but less dmg cause theoreticaly u hit with a weak spot of the weap it

dva=use water in the and slash in highspeed so the waterdrops hit the enemy mayb chasing? it cause the enemy tothe dance of pain mpcosts and again no idea xD

d^a=take katana out for a sec or less and charge all enemy atk into ur katana and add the dmg to ur next atk shld be hard to control cause its overpowered or hit from anydirection or something interrupts if higher time span

d^j=dash forward and cut takes down enemy like bats punch d>j?

d>j=throw water drops in front of him and cut those parts with highspeed but less dmg something like minato from ntsd? then when he puts katana back they take dmg and fall to the ground? too easy but i like the effect xD

dvj=increase all stats for a short period of time or until u get hit though the 2nd thing is kinda overpowered for ppl with better fighting skills

adj=hell move? need 3 things to activate 1. saved enough dmg from enemy atk 2.increased stats without getting hit 3.a drink in ur hand

y? cause he is water element and during hellmove he cuts him like thousand times in a short period of time and he needs something like a drink or water to put on his katana so that he is able to control the pressure in his scabbard though he still get recoil dmg cause of this inhuman power he is using

basically a fast low dmg char and id put less mp costs only on that hellmove some more mp ^^
idk if its possible to do though but i think its a fun to play char though i couldnt think of any combos ^^"
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Character Name: Teh Coward
Character class: Support/Sub-Character
Appearance: Undecided. Suggestions include; A female like Jan, a cowardly looking person, a sorcerer, a priest or mage looking figure
Traits: (AI) always tries to run away from enemies if they are near
Abilities: heal, stun attack spell
Other Notes: || AI won't run to pick up weapons || You won't be able to pick up small weapons, only heavy weapons || Can't fight melee ||

How will this be done?
1. Modify Milk Bottle so that it has it has ik8 in all falling frames which lead to a delete frame
2. Coward will always spawn this milk bottle in hand, but hidden away from view with y position values
3. In all falling frames or whatever frames that the coward may drop the bottle, add a special bdy which will cause the milk bottle to delete and remove any unnecessary bottles or broken glass particles
4. Apply your choice of heal or offensive skill in Light Weapon Attack frames. Note: depending on which character AI you choose, you may be able to apply more skills which allow the AI to use more moves, such as I have tested; Freeze will always use his ice wall attack, D>J

I don't have the spriting skills to create this but i do have the dc'ing skills to, however, i lack the sprites to allow me to make any coherent character

[Image: sigline.png]
Character Name: Gentleman
Character Class: between Hero and Sub-Character
Appearance: Like any middle class working citizen, this person sports a grey business suit full with the tie, top hat...and Umbrella
Traits: Polite etiquette to acquantences...oh who am i kiddin? This guy just wants to bash you with his epic umbrella. thats right, his katana-shot-gun-rain-repellent-double-rainbow-air-retardant umbrella
Abilities: The ancient martial art of Umbrella-fu
Other Notes: when the gentleman opens his umbrella, it opens fast like a bullet and all hell breaks loose
Skills: 2 Input Moves(from memory, forgot what else i had), 4 or so Sub Moves
Input Moves:
1. Shot gun (preferably D>A): bullets fly out of the tip of the epic umbrella and give you the wynauts
2. Wakizashi Whack (Preferably D>J): the gentleman withdraws the blade out by the handle and slices in front of him. Used as a final to a combination attack (Note: can be used in midair)
3. Umbrella Shrafe (preferably DvA): just an ordinary strafe that hits about 4 or 5 times and ends with a super punch/run attack. (Note: can be used in mid air to execute combination moves)
4. Rainy Day (preferable D^A): the gentleman opens the umbrella normally above his head and all enemies nearby will be knocked upwards by the force of the umbrella
Sub Moves:
1. Umbrella Extension (>>A+A or A+A+A+A): the super punch/run attack is a straight horizontal stab. Pressing A once the gentleman has stabbed will unlock and open the parasol with devastating effects, sending enemies flying in the air
2. Float (J+D): While in midair from a jump, the gentleman will be able to open his umbrella and float down to the ground slowly. While floating, the gentleman will be able to use the Wakizashi Wack or another combination attack
3. Whapper (J+DvJ): (can't think of a good name) while in mid air from a jump, the gentleman can unlock his umbrella beneath him and the force of the opening parasol will propel the gentleman further upward while also blowing enemies downward (Note: will hurt enemies)
4. Aerial Rainy Day (D^A): particularly used in conjunction with combination moves, when in midair from jump, the gentleman opens his umbrella above his head, consequently blowing himself down to the ground and forcing any unfortunate enemy above higher up into the sky
5. Aerial Wakizashi Whack: the blade slize as mentioned above except it is executed in midair from a jump.

Gentleman: "Have a jolly good day sir!"

Note: the character sprite i envisioned it to be is far beyond my spriting skill. i would be able to dc this character but the efforts will be of little use to a dominantly visual community
And: also, im leaving these ideas here because i cbs making them. feel free to shred these ideas to bits and take what you like
~its been a long time coming~
Thanks given by:
Grand Chase: Doran Yourit
Jail Guard: Morlin Javatil
General Sailor Fighter: Mace Holufin

Silverthorn edited this post 08-05-2011 08:14 PM because:
You should know by now that we won't do the work for you. And please, post into the right threads instead of creating new ones.
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need help in spriting those lf2 characters im making
i'll do the rest in DCing
can sprite the Scythe to
i'll bring those characters to life if i have to to real lf2 characters
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Homer Simpson:

Throws Duff Beer
Attacks with his belly
Has a choke attack
Eats Donuts to gain HP
Says 'Do'h!' when hurt

[Image: lghr0173+homer-simpson-duff-beer-the-sim...poster.jpg]
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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(08-03-2011, 01:19 PM)dubbleD Wrote:  Character Name: Gentleman
Character Class: between Hero and Sub-Character
Appearance: Like any middle class working citizen, this person sports a grey business suit full with the tie, top hat...and Umbrella
Traits: Polite etiquette to acquantences...oh who am i kiddin? This guy just wants to bash you with his epic umbrella. thats right, his katana-shot-gun-rain-repellent-double-rainbow-air-retardant umbrella
Abilities: The ancient martial art of Umbrella-fu
Other Notes: when the gentleman opens his umbrella, it opens fast like a bullet and all hell breaks loose
Skills: 2 Input Moves(from memory, forgot what else i had), 4 or so Sub Moves
Input Moves:
1. Shot gun (preferably D>A): bullets fly out of the tip of the epic umbrella and give you the wynauts
2. Wakizashi Whack (Preferably D>J): the gentleman withdraws the blade out by the handle and slices in front of him. Used as a final to a combination attack (Note: can be used in midair)
3. Umbrella Shrafe (preferably DvA): just an ordinary strafe that hits about 4 or 5 times and ends with a super punch/run attack. (Note: can be used in mid air to execute combination moves)
4. Rainy Day (preferable D^A): the gentleman opens the umbrella normally above his head and all enemies nearby will be knocked upwards by the force of the umbrella
Sub Moves:
1. Umbrella Extension (>>A+A or A+A+A+A): the super punch/run attack is a straight horizontal stab. Pressing A once the gentleman has stabbed will unlock and open the parasol with devastating effects, sending enemies flying in the air
2. Float (J+D): While in midair from a jump, the gentleman will be able to open his umbrella and float down to the ground slowly. While floating, the gentleman will be able to use the Wakizashi Wack or another combination attack
3. Whapper (J+DvJ): (can't think of a good name) while in mid air from a jump, the gentleman can unlock his umbrella beneath him and the force of the opening parasol will propel the gentleman further upward while also blowing enemies downward (Note: will hurt enemies)
4. Aerial Rainy Day (D^A): particularly used in conjunction with combination moves, when in midair from jump, the gentleman opens his umbrella above his head, consequently blowing himself down to the ground and forcing any unfortunate enemy above higher up into the sky
5. Aerial Wakizashi Whack: the blade slize as mentioned above except it is executed in midair from a jump.

Gentleman: "Have a jolly good day sir!"

Note: the character sprite i envisioned it to be is far beyond my spriting skill. i would be able to dc this character but the efforts will be of little use to a dominantly visual community
And: also, im leaving these ideas here because i cbs making them. feel free to shred these ideas to bits and take what you like

Hmm.. have you been playing BlazBlue?
Rachel Alucard fights nicely with an umbrella... my favourite character...
And why a Gentleman when you can have a Gothic Loli Vampire!?
But cliches aside... A parasol wielding fighter? This is a good chance to use the idea for a female fighter!
In fact.. I'd have thought that the sole word "parasol" would immediately bring to mind a female rather than a male character... interesting...
"I may devour the five continents, and swallow the three seas, but a body with neither wings, nor hands, nor feet, is powerless against the sky."

My stuff:
| sprites | frozen |

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Thanks given by: dubbleD
it just popped into my head - all at once
you've had this before too right?

move set (classic LF2, only 4):

special features:
LEFT HANDED (different mirror sprites)
SWORD BEAM (at full health or close to)

time to go into the creamy details
the work required here consists of everything
simple things, very difficult things, time consuming things, etc
i am 100% sure i would never be able to do this alone
& i would never settle with anything less than perfect
so this would be quite a task - something i will never tackle alone
even tho i might try to accomplish some of the data solutions just for having them

the move set isn't really the most interesting or difficult part
but still essential so here it is
BOW & ARROW D>A (Click to View)
BOMBS DvA (Click to View)
HOOKSHOT D>J (Click to View)
SPIN ATTACK (Click to View)
on to the special features
these are the much more difficult and interesting things to plan/sketch/create
LEFT HANDED (Click to View)
SWORD BEAM (Click to View)
SHIELD ATTACK (Click to View)

and here some of the basic actions (Click to View)
damn i had to write this down
guess what I'm currently doing
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(08-11-2011, 03:42 AM)Siegvar Wrote:  [...]
Hmm.. have you been playing BlazBlue?

Did you really need to quote that long post entirely? >_<

(08-11-2011, 03:42 AM)Siegvar Wrote:  But cliches aside... A parasol wielding fighter? This is a good chance to use the idea for a female fighter!
In fact.. I'd have thought that the sole word "parasol" would immediately bring to mind a female rather than a male character... interesting...

You might want to check out Parasoul from upcoming Skull Girls. :3

Speaking of BlazBlue, a character I would like to base a character on is Tager. I might as well try to do that after I am done with my Hakumen-inspired character I currently work on.

So a close-ranged character, using many catches and that special itr from the whirlwind so that he can pull foes in closer. For the general ideas of attacks, I will just use the names of Tagers attacks:

<div style="float:left;"><img src=""> </div><div style="margin: 50px auto auto 15%;">凍て付く夜明けを 乾いた真昼の 震える闇夜の 果てを見に行こう</div>
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