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Character: Winnie (Final version)
Element based characters are the coolest especially wind and earth powers in my opinion. She is overall definite good char with decent damage and mid tier for my taste. But sadly when i use tornado mode i instantly disappear and game crashes. Is it glitch? Maybe because i have literally every fan char on my lf2 drive XD. Sometimes characters data files get mixed up and corrupts other characters abilities and their sprites. Maybe i should delete certain specific char?
Thanks given by:
Your data.txt is using another file which uses id: 420 which clashes with winnie_ball.dat. Search for that record to fix it (Amending Winnie's data is harder, i promise)

Updated to v9:

Extended readme
Increased damage of Tornado Spirit and Launch Tornado from 4% to 5%
Reduced startup and cooldown interval of Tornado spirit from 14tu to 11tu
Basic punch can now reach further in the back
Reduced whole interval of Run attack from 10tu to 8tu, attack interval from 4tu to 3tu
Added avoidance AI on Gust of Wind and Launch Tornado (due to limitations AI would not completely avoid Launched Tornado)
Thanks given by: Dinothundah
Publishing to LFE-fileplanet:
Download link (includes portrait png and preview png):


Initially inspired by LFO Windy and a data-changing experiment in transformation, Winnie is the only (partially) drawn character from Leviaiz. Under her innocent look is a combo-heavy zoner specialized in medium range and prediction, yet simple to play. Her unique transformation with her vast technical capabilities makes her original, friendly yet unforgettable.
Thanks given by: Jahvansi , Dinothundah , Silverthorn
Thanks a lot! Stylish html-readme ;)

Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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Thanks given by: rewlf2

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