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Significant Frame Numbers
This is a reference page for ALL hardcoded frame numbers, regardless of data type.
Catching/Picked_Caught/Throw_Lying_Man is actually not hardcoded.

Let me know if I missed out anything that is frame specific.

ID Specific - excluding broken_weapon fragments.
id6, fr300 onwards = LouisEX transform's HP Lock. Yes, it is tied to a frame, not to the actual DJA input.
id51, fr290 = Fusion.
id200, fr50-59 = Healball lures <50% darkHP teammates. fr60-69 = JohnShield's effect on enemy AI(repel & prevent weapon pickup).
id209, fr40 = energyBalls converted into iceballs will go to this frame.
id211, type3_hitFa13 always spawns fr50(grdfire) and fr109(exp).
id212, fr150-159 = Whirlwind's effect on AI. type3_hitFa13 always spawns fr100(icicles).
id212, all frame numbers ending in 0(eg: 0,10,20,...380,390) will be able to hit allied icicles despite being type3.
id221, fr81 = spawned from type3_hit_Fa13.
id998, fr0,2,4,6 = come/stay/move/join respectively.
id999, fr101 = lands on this frame.

0 = THE default frame; extremely important. st8xxx, cpoint injury -1, finish drinking, invisible, catch interrupt, weaponDropFromSky etc... all will return here.
5-8 = Walking Loop.
9-11 = Running Loop. Type0 spawned in Stage without indicating act: will default to 9.
12-15 = Walking(heavy) Loop. 12 is the heavy default.

10 = state3000 upon hitting something.
0-5 = wpoint kind3 will drop its weapon in one of these 6 frames at random. Also heavy_weapon sky frames.
0-15 = weapons that get hit, or dropped by state10/12, or state1002 hitting something(gains dvx-2,dvy-2) will go to one of these 16 frames at random. Linked to 40-55 for throwables/drinks. heavy_weapon dropped by flute/shield also goes to these set of frames(resulting in occasional bugs).

1-2 & 3-4 = used by type3_hitFa2 dennis chase.
0-9 & 50-59 = used by type3_hitFa14 skull chase.

16-18 = Running(heavy) Loop.
19 = heavy_stoprun.
20 = normal_weapon_attack, Type3 upon taking a hit. Landing frame for Type2.
25 = normal_weapon_attack2.
30 = jump_weapon_attack, Type3 upon getting rebounded.
35 = run_weapon_attack.

40 = dash_weapon_attack.
wpoint dvx/dvy weaponthrow always sends weapon to this frame.
type3 hit_Fa7 spawns this frame as a tail.
state 3005 getting hit by itr kind 9 will go to this frame as well.

45 = light_weapon_throw
50 = heavy_weapon_throw
52 = sky_weapon_throw
55 = drinking

40-55 = Linked to 0-15 for throwables/drinks.

60 = punch. landing frame for light weapons & type3(hitFa7).
65 = punch2.
70 = superpunch. also landing frame for light weapons.
80 = jump_attack
85 = run_attack
90 = dash_attack
94 = landing frame for state100 on Type0 only.
100 = rowing.
102 = Rolling.
108 = rowing_back.
110 = Defend. Can change direction.
111 = getting hit while in 110.
112 = broken_defend. Firen & Freeze will actually enter these frames upon de-fusing, but one of them will be in midair for some reason.
115 = picking light weapon via ik2.
116 = picking heavy weapon via ik2.

180/186 = fall(61-80) && yspeed -10 or lower. Always goes here if hit by physical attacks while in state13. Please note that type3 can enter these frames if they get sent to fall80 EXACTLY.
181/187 = yspeed >-10. Cpoint released by "decrease" goes t0 181 with dvx2/dvy-2.
182/188 = yspeed >0 (can flip)
183/189 = yspeed >6
184/190 = unused, but has trajectory detection.
185/191 = bounce(dvx2,dvy-2) upon landing if xspeed >10 or yspeed >1.

200-201 = Frozen. Also generates ice particles. Immune to itr effect 30 (yes, its tied to frames, not state 13).
202 = Grants 20tu of blinking timer! (compared to 15tu for state14 blinking)
203-204 = Burning while dvy <0. Hardcoded trajectory detection & landing frame on state18.
205-206 = Burning while dvy >0. Hardcoded trajectory detection & landing frame on state18.
210 = Default Jump input.
212 = state0/next999 goes here if in midair. Using next212 will automatically trigger jump. Lands in frame215 instead of 219. If victim in cpoint kind 2 stops being grabbed, he is released into this frame with dvy-2.
213 = dash(forward). state5 automatically goes here if you have any form of dvx.
214 = dash(backward). state5 automatically goes here if you have any form of -dvx.
215 = type0 will land here if they are in frame212 or have state6. Has dvz determined by dash_distancez. Can press D=roll, J=dash.
218 = stop_run.
219 = default landing frame for type0. This is also used when "I join you" happens, with a longer wait duration.
220 = injury(fall1-20)
222 = injury(fall21-40) or midair fall1-20, front.
224 = injury(fall21-40) or midair fall1-20, back.
226 = stun(fall41-60)
230 = lying(front)
231 = lying(back)
245 = transformBack frame if you untransform from Rudolf's DJA(cpoint injury -1).
399 = no special property, but this is the highest frame number possible per data file.
[Image: uMSShyX.png]
Steiner v3.00 (outdated), Challenge Stage v1.51
Luigi's Easier Data-Editor, A-Man's Sprite Mirrorer
Working on the LF2 Rebalance mod.
Avatar styled by: prince_freeza

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