Good job koori and dr. time

I see you have taken it serious
Today i will show you some errors and some tips.
Errors, what do they mean, how to solve them.
-I see that when i do a new move char disappears and he let only his shadow. by pressing other buttons he continue normal.
-You have put a next: number that do not exist. check dat file and look on the whole move to see that wrong next:. (same thing for hit_blabla
-My new sprite dont appear on the game even char perfor the move correctly.
-You may have done 3 things wrong:
1 you havent "registerd" sprite on the dat file (you may have put it in the wrong file, be careful)
2 you made a mistake on the row,col,etc
3 you made your bmp smaller. check carefully size (if you need reread the lesson about it)
-i see bugs on sprite. i used lines to separate girds and i see lines.
-check gird size in data and sprite and made them correct. Be aware of the 1 pixel separation from gird to gird.
-I see that char spawn another object or just a shadow.
-check oid: and action:, be careful, your id or frame may not exist. Also check char's frames one by one if you have put an wrong next so he spawn another object.
Tips to find anything
-I took a new mod, i see some sprites, where are them used in this mod?
-go to some dat files with similar/same names with sprites to find their location. see frames where are them use pics of bmp you want to find. Looks on some other chars or other dat files to see if they have any oid and action of these frames.
-I want to see a secret/super move.
-Go to dat file; find it by frame name; then look on next: until you go to first frame; open "find" tool; find the number frame where it is used (example: hit_Da: 354); continue that way until you find the first move.
-i want to make a new move with new sprites.
-draw sprites, "register" them in dat file, find some empty frames, create frames by copying some similar ones (change next:,frame number, bdy,itr,etc), add hit_Xy: zzz in 8 first frames and defend frames (or other places where you see there are moves commands).
no HW, just some things for help today. I will come again with some other common bugs and tips but this is what i can remember now.