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[solved] Firing objects when on a moving platform
Like the title says, I can't do that :/
I go through all the frames, but it won't shoot.
I use this itr to follow the platform, I add it every two frames.

kind: 8 *bdy coord* *range* dvx: *nextframe*
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Did you add the itr to the ball aswell? Because that could be a reason...

But moving platforms are rather complicated anyways...
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No no, I figured out the problem. (No need for additional itrs)
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Could you tell me what the problem was or how you solved it? Would be very interesting :)
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The problem was that even though the frames moved smoothly, the objects didn't get created by opoints.
So I simply removed the i/k8's on the essential frames only - meaning that you still follow, whilst being able to summon stuff :P
(Useful with a 500 MP attack, summons 21 tiny minions)
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Thanks given by: XxXxX

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