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Concept (stage1)
you double-posted MH!^^

yeah, i said you'll see the bugs while playing, but i can delete them.
you wanted a dark sp, so i first thought a totaly black sp, but then i decided to make it this way.
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well hello ^^ (haven't posted in this thread before anyway).

i have one super crazy idea (which I think may work).
Since we have the state-stage map change, and this is a single player stage mode, this will be uber cool.

Story goes that u have to destroy 6 stones b4 u can hurt the final boss, so I have this idea that you have this ik8 Com character stuck to u forever. Each time you kill a stone, this Com character gets hurt. when all 6 stones are killed, the Com character dies.

Ok so this Com character is actually a Julian-immortal-or-not decision guy, and he has a bdy that julian has an ik8 that will make julian transform into another julian without any bdy. (opoint julian on a frame that has the ik8 that brings him to a state 80## (julian AI and armor id clone)).

this means we let the player be able to go to fight julian but he can't hurt him yet unless the Com that is attached to him is dead (so julian doesn't go to transformed julian and so has a bdy).

wee :P (if u don't understand it i can explain it in english)

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Azriel Wrote:well hello ^^ (haven't posted in this thread before anyway).

i have one super crazy idea (which I think may work).
Since we have the state-stage map change, and this is a single player stage mode, this will be uber cool.

Story goes that u have to destroy 6 stones b4 u can hurt the final boss, so I have this idea that you have this ik8 Com character stuck to u forever. Each time you kill a stone, this Com character gets hurt. when all 6 stones are killed, the Com character dies.

Ok so this Com character is actually a Julian-immortal-or-not decision guy, and he has a bdy that julian has an ik8 that will make julian transform into another julian without any bdy. (opoint julian on a frame that has the ik8 that brings him to a state 80## (julian AI and armor id clone)).

this means we let the player be able to go to fight julian but he can't hurt him yet unless the Com that is attached to him is dead (so julian doesn't go to transformed julian and so has a bdy).

wee :P (if u don't understand it i can explain it in english)


@HM: the way it is is kinda great, but the dungeons are really a bit to dark. I don't really like a gameplay on a bg which is almost black just the figures are bright like the sun :p - simply unreal...
But if you go on like this and fix the bugs we can take this.

this is a really crazy good idea with just one problem: the stones are spread over all stages :p

But this idea should still be used. I thought that the last stone is saved by a monster which cannot be killed by fistfight. If you knock hom down to floor two monsters stand up, like the idea with Hydra in greece - one head away, two grow there :p
You can only hit him if you catch him and make a speial move which delete it to dust...

We could also change this so the monster is protected by several stuff you have to destroy first. Untill you destroyed it he'll fall to floor and make clones, after it you can destroy him by fists...

My concept for other stages so far:
1. Escape from prison (standley prison bg mainly)
2. Forests (prison is deep in a forest where you have to make your way ...
[Video at beginning showing julian who 's hurt - he realise one of the stones is destroyed and send mercs which are cowered in shadows to find the destroyer]
in the end you can choose three ways to get into a city:
- fight your way through the guardians and enter main portal
- sliently go through a bog and enter it - but you've limited time in the bog and will have some problems, if you don't fit in time you're poisoned to death...
- just climb the wall at some point
3. City : here I've tons of idea, main thing is a money system which will be hardest stage choice I ever coded. But for story: Bat is catched by several guards, you could just flee - you need to get into the dark tower where he's probably catched.
Originally I thought to put LouisEX there as the trainer of the Little fighters who betrayed them, if we make the child idea we maybe need to change this to something more mystic :p
other ideas for city:
- arena fights: you can go into a building and fight several guys (maybe this is the place where to use crazy new chars - they can be crazy. If you watched the film "unleashed" you know which kinds of fight I mean...
With them you can earn money and buy stuff in a shop - weapons or (even better) mercs which help you in further stage. If you buy weapons and equipment you can save it in a backpack... which is not shown, but well, it's same as stage choice, just multiple times :p
- another shop is an amusement arcade where you can play at an one-armed bandit or stuff. So this is kind of a game-stage.
- Another idea (not by me) is that you can fight a gang or pay them not to fight you - your choice (the gang is really hard :p)
- You can play a game of dice at a bagger sitting near the street, three cups one small ball inside, he's mixing untill you say stop and then decide where the ball is - can win money but have to pay per round :p
-See: just fun to get money and in the end buy stuff for the further stage.
- Half of the stage is in city, the other half in the dark tower. you first have to enter it (open portal somehow :p), your main enemy inside will probably be justins and (modified) dark sorcerers... which shoot john balls and maybe some other monsters... still not sure if we should include new spritesheets / compleatly new chars... you?

4. .... nah, nothing to secure from 4-6. He'll leave city and go into mountains to find julians castle, and get into main tower to fight him. But I'm not sure which bgs to use, really dont wanna use my castle bg cause it's bad, but maybe we dont need one, just make a background change at the end of the volcano-bg (stage 4 in lf2v1.9c, forgot the name...) and then the castle will be an endless background change anyways... so maybe we only make a background with a nice shiny bg in the back with sun going down and all the rest is made dynamic every single stage...
[Image: random.php?pic=random]
Once I had a fortune, it said: "Leave now. Life is short. Time is luck"
Don't dream your life, live your dream!
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wow..sounds quite cool..i can't even imagine how to make this...^^
but we will do it!! :D
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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Hmm is it stopped? Some news?

I think we need a plan what people make what in the mod.
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it's cool, for the six stones can you make the stones are in the box or another object and in the game we must find the stones and kill the stones
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