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Facing techniques
facing: xy <-how it shall look like
y=0 to 9
x=0 to (whatever)
Facing, used in opoints. Functions (for "y") :
0=object appears in front
1=object appears behind
2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10=object ALWAYS goes right, even if char is facing left
^Don't know why, but there's no opposite, even if you use "-"
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Thanks given by: Lauli
Facing: 10 also makes the object independently go to the right
Facing: 11 makes the object independently go to the left

I didn't know about facing: 1 though. Thanks!
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facing: 0 opoint AN object to what direction you're facing
facing: 1 opoint AN object to opposite direction you're facing

facing: 10 opoint AN object to RIGHT side only!
facing: 20 opoint 2 objects to what direction you're facing
facing: 21 opoint 2 objects to opposite direction you're facing

and so on... so, dunno about 11 and others,
so... +10 to facing means adding the same object to be released
Thanks given by: SirisRhazael
(06-12-2010, 08:32 AM)SirisRhazael Wrote:  ^Don't know why, but there's no opposite, even if you use "-"
maybe because you can then turn the object itself around right in the first frame (next: -) making it one that always goes left
also i think the feature was only added for the command boxes (the writing should not be mirrored)
but its never used in data because these are opointed through the exe
(06-12-2010, 09:07 AM)Lauli Wrote:  I didn't know about facing: 1 though. Thanks!
impressive you did not know that
Thanks given by: SirisRhazael
I thought facing 2 -19 are all the same (fire to the right)
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the other by xFire
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Facing: 2-look at 1st post
Facing: 19-Theoretically "1" causes the ball to go left, but "y" (9) is stronger
They are the same.
The answer to life, universe and everything (no, not 42) (Click to View)
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