12-16-2010, 07:20 PM
the problem is that it wont help u very much... no one knows how far u want to shift to the right - what size your menu items will be etc... ure better off doing it ur self
its really not that hard :
get ollydbg (google)
open lf2 with it
press shift+f9 (might have to do it a few times) until lf2 is running
press ctrl+g
enter the address u want to go to (00427921 < that is an address)
double click any line u want to edit and change the number (look in my post i put ;x and ;y in places u should edit)
the numbers are in hex - if u type "300 in hex" google will automatically convert for u
then it is just a matter of following my instructions and messing about with the numbers
its really not that hard :
get ollydbg (google)
open lf2 with it
press shift+f9 (might have to do it a few times) until lf2 is running
press ctrl+g
enter the address u want to go to (00427921 < that is an address)
double click any line u want to edit and change the number (look in my post i put ;x and ;y in places u should edit)
the numbers are in hex - if u type "300 in hex" google will automatically convert for u
then it is just a matter of following my instructions and messing about with the numbers