So i decided i was going to create my own character yet i have no experience in pixel artwork but i do have some gfx knowledge with photoshop. After reading some helpful spriting tutorials from professional spriters, I made my first ever sprite.
It's a ninja design from this ninja design picture
currently working his spritesheet using dennis's template,but having a problem making some transparent effects.
as you can see from the WIP spritesheet, i made some "wind" effects during his punching and blurred the wind completely but the whole move still is stroked outline black during in game. is there any way to make it half transparent? if it can't then no problem i'll just remove it xD. still needs alot of work tho.
I just made a Grimmjow sprite from the anime series "Bleach", i find it kinda weird, probably head too big since i took it from template xD. do comment any tips and improvements that i can work on
It's a ninja design from this ninja design picture
currently working his spritesheet using dennis's template,but having a problem making some transparent effects.
as you can see from the WIP spritesheet, i made some "wind" effects during his punching and blurred the wind completely but the whole move still is stroked outline black during in game. is there any way to make it half transparent? if it can't then no problem i'll just remove it xD. still needs alot of work tho.
I just made a Grimmjow sprite from the anime series "Bleach", i find it kinda weird, probably head too big since i took it from template xD. do comment any tips and improvements that i can work on