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controlling opponents (for a mod)
once I saw a thread where someone asked if its possible to control an opponent. the answer was no, but now (I think) ITS POSSIBLE!

theory: when you catch a char (would be the easiest way) you cant move with him.
but when you carry a weapon, you can walk around and hold still hold the weaponShock so, my theory:
why don't create a new effect, where the char is pickupable.
now we have to make wpoints and weapon-itrs in the char.

now, when you make a move that leads the char to this effect, he is pickupable for a short time. let the other char pick up the weapon with the rowing-pickup-itr.
now he is holding the char! now the holding char transfroms to himself with 80xx (at the frames 140-... he is invisible).
the char has wpoints which leads the weapon-char to the frames you want.

thats it!
(hope you understand what i mean...)
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i dont really know what kind of control you want - but this really would only be carrying around
and you dont need a special effect or anything - the char only needs to be in the pickable state (1004 if im not mistaken)
problem: picked up objects change their team to who picked them (this is how you make someone become your teammate)

also the normal wpoints use frames from 20 to 35 - if you really do pick up a character (as a light weapon - you dont really have a choice on that i think - heavy would be cool of course, but again will require to at least edit the two heavy weapons aswell) you will be holding him in his own weapon attack frames - which looks rather funny

ive had a different solution -
bluna has a move to possess opponents (with proper edits - three extra frames i think)
and the readme explains it
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shintenshin no jutsu? :D

by the way...
good luck!
The dumb do the mess, the normal one gets angry, the smart one have fun. :D
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other naruto mod?

i think this impossible
<center>[Image: 38018291.gif]</center>
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What the heck. C&P the heavy weapon on_hand frames to the one you want, and continue from there. (assuming your char raises his hands to hold the heavy weapon)

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