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Rate Avatar/ Signature Game
ava 6/10 need improve
sig 6/10 try to improve by yourself
Troll mode activated TwistedDemonEvil
Thanks given by:
ava 5/10 not feeling comfortable when watching it longer than 2 sec
sig 9/10 well structured but the thing that it is so long is an eyesore
Say Anything - Alive with the glory of love

My first char: a rudolf mod <--- waiting for comments

LF story reasonable beginning <--clicky (Dont u dare not to leave a comment!)
Story Progress (Click to View)

Fan of Jerry Hawks LF2 Fan movie, just epic animations~
Thanks given by:
ava 7/10
sig 5/10 im neutral wih stories
Troll mode activated TwistedDemonEvil
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avatar: 10/10
sig: 10/10

YU-GI-OH Gotta catch em all
something like that, hope im right
[Image: Blaze340.gif]
Thanks given by:
ava 3/10 cos it has a long waiting black screen

sig Bamboori can warn you again.Also in you past sig you wrote that you had warning 100%! But this mean you would be banned forever! How is possible that you are not banned forever?!!!!!!!!!
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sorry 4 my bad eng
[Image: stand-10_zpse8943b33.gif][Image: walk-11_zps3a4de3e2.gif][Image: att-3_zps48065cd2.gif]

Thanks given by:
Thanks given by:
ava 7/10 nice
sig 7/10 nice userbars,but bit too big face pics
Troll mode activated TwistedDemonEvil
Thanks given by:
7/10 is it from yu-gi-oh?
6/10 too much of
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7/10 you should just keep the best sprite you have as your ava.
6/10 Nothing special.
Might be back, might be not :^) anyways awesome to see you guys again!
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