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Character: Maple
Ya, I could also help, if you want :P.
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[Image: maple_f.png]

forgive me, a bit rusty but i gave it a shot..
"I'm the president of the shadow government
The grand governor of the federal reserve
Public enemy of the society
The one you cannot see the thirty three degree"
Thanks given by: ~Dome~ , MnM , Monolith , nehalbordoloi
Got no words!
Looks awesome PF, great Work!
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Wow PF. Once again u amazed me. It is a well depiction of Maple. The feel the whole picture has is simply superb. Am really stunned man! Thanks a bil :thumbsup: .

Also , Gad i had no other way but not to reply earlier. Probably it would have been disposal'd . Since PF was taking interest at first , i don't want to loosen the momentum . Sorry.
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Ok, here is a test version :P. polished some stuffs. Added hands swinging in walking. Thank you!

Attached Files
.rar   Maple.rar (Size: 292.26 KB / Downloads: 82)
Thanks given by: Kashif , Dominate
So.. how is this? btw, didn't use Davis's run attack..

[Image: 24Y9L.png]
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looks pretty static to me.

Need a better waist twisting / lunge animation imo
you don't want to see this (Click to View)
avatar by Una
the other by xFire
Thanks given by: MnM
Idk, maybe you already noticed it, but here is things to improve:
Breathing: [Image: breathing.gif] [Image: breathingfix.gif] fixed
I'm not talking only about position in x-axis (a lot of frames needs that), but rather about torso shading.

Other animations to improve:
[Image: heavywalk.gif] [Image: heavyrun.gif] [Image: drinking.gif]

These frames needs fixed shoes: [Image: fixneed.png]

Also here is animation of last attack, looks pretty boring: [Image: attacky.gif]

I know it's a lot of work now, but did you think about improving hair? [Image: hairoa.png] These looks kinda like tentacles.

Thanks given by: MnM , YinYin
@ ninja^ Yea i know many things to improve. I think that coordinates can be fixed in DC . And for the shirts and muscles, yea its easy fix and i will do it later. Same with boots. Thanks so much taking interest in looking through the sprites! And hair will remain same for now :P

I hope this doesn't look that static.
[Image: 49iuV.png]
I have removed couple of frames in animation. Seems I need to remove one more frame. I will decide upon it later.
[Image: abets.gif]
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i suggest better reuse some parts than creating new (about heavy walking)
and for punch part better make lean forward than just turning back at us
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
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