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Character: Maple
i think it could be better with like 2 frames like the first one
and u should earse those first 2 frames in the second row
should quit something like this:
[Image: ZlmYN.gif]
[Image: p45mycA.png]
Thanks given by: MnM
how about this.
2 first frames- slower
then some frames- normal
and ending- fast
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
Thanks given by: Marko pro
So, Here is some little update. Me and Dome spent some time incorporating some here is a list of updates and things to be done.

update Wrote:* fixed drinking frames
* fixed breathing frames .
* Added and fixed position of run-attack. u can check it in-game.
* fixed some x-positions.

To do Wrote:* Fix weapon holding ( both heavy and normal)
* Adding capsules ( Maple's weapon :D)

I have already decided that Maple uses capsules.
[Image: capsuleshow.png]
These are specially designed capsules which can burst into fire, stream of water(work for water and fire are not started :P) and smoke( thanks to Gad for smoke sprites). If u have any innovative idea for capsule, its very much welcome. Make sure you PM me!.

.rar   Maple.rar (Size: 136.61 KB / Downloads: 206)

Thanks given by: Dr. Time
gave maple a spin - good job on that full sprite sheet

i like that run attack - the only thing i would change about it is the very last frame where his arms are bent and fists pointing upwards, very davis like
but that angle on his elbows there is way too pointy to fit well between the previous frame and the standing frame - i would lower his fists at least to the level of the previous frame if not lower

(09-15-2012, 02:27 PM)Men'Mine Wrote:  I think that coordinates can be fixed in DC.
you have a lot of positioning work left to do - is this because you are using bats original data without centerx/y adjustments? if so i suggest you to overlay your sprites with a grid and fix the positions there instead of the data for every frame you can
because adjusting the centerx/y inside the data is much more of a pain than with a layered image editing program
just put your 80x80 frames that belong to one animation into seperate layers above each other -> you will easily see problems and fix them graphically
later the data frames using these sprites can all use the same center values
Thanks given by: Marko pro , MnM
Here Ice shrad animation (sucks as hell).
[Image: sssc.gif]

I have edited the sprite sheets of maple.I think I shall post when fire capsule work is done. Still some positioning to be done.
Thanks given by: Electric2Shock
that's pretty nice actually :D
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I am actually thinking using freeze_col after throwing the capsule. But I can use these frames if they are good. Any more suggestions? Am confused o_o.
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these would be nice
but make it look like ice
for example make edges of those pieces they are round
Thanks given by: MnM
me n mine ur getting better and better! i like it
[Image: 3rdslim.jpg]
[Image: DAslim.jpg]
[Image: Rocky.jpg]
[Image: Clidebanner.jpg]

Thanks given by: MnM
I feel I should not upload updated maple frames. It will look monotonous. Recently Dome has not shown up. He seems to be busy irl. Due to lack of DCing knowledge am dependent on someone who will help me with coding the capsule. I know its nothing but I cant really afford to code. So here is capsule ( not so very interesting).

What it should look like in-game:

The capsule is thrown by Maple. It strikes ground and breaks into shrads as shown in the animation before.

[Image: bombf.png]

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