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Data Changing Course/Class
ok what wrong now?!
are you still following lessons?
why not HW?
do you want some more time to practice?
have you been busy?
you didnt understand anything?
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i can only say from my side, i have been too busy. Aaand i have never been the type to make homework haha
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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Umm I will make the fusion and transformation too I will do it after I get the computer fixed
Spoilered Spoilers (Click to View)

You're just dying if you're living and thinking about a betrayal, revive yourself.
Think about that one person that has trusted you forever, not the thousand people that have betrayed you.
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i've discovered there were HMs 3 days ago and i've been trying to do them since then, but i couldn't: if i change any "next" the game crashes when i try to select woody, and if i change the "kind" the attack does no damage
[Image: header_W_jordis.png]
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probability you made sth wrong on woody code, so i recommend you to replace it with a new code. i dont see any reason for crashing when you change next!

It depend what kind did you used and you need. take a more careful look on link that i gave you about kinds.usually should you use kind: 0 other kinds are for different functions rather than attack.

as for the deadline, lets say until at the end of this week.
Thanks given by: koori
(08-15-2013, 05:22 PM)empirefantasy Wrote:  probability you made sth wrong on woody code, so i recommend you to replace it with a new code. i dont see any reason for crashing when you change next!

It depend what kind did you used and you need. take a more careful look on link that i gave you about kinds.usually should you use kind: 0 other kinds are for different functions rather than attack.

as for the deadline, lets say until at the end of this week.

If I want 2 add a fire effect to Jack's ball and add fire effect 2 the D^A ?
Sincerely, Slitcm ,Gal [Image: mXx4c.gif]
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(08-16-2013, 05:42 AM)Sam Fisher Wrote:  
(08-15-2013, 05:22 PM)empirefantasy Wrote:  probability you made sth wrong on woody code, so i recommend you to replace it with a new code. i dont see any reason for crashing when you change next!

It depend what kind did you used and you need. take a more careful look on link that i gave you about kinds.usually should you use kind: 0 other kinds are for different functions rather than attack.

as for the deadline, lets say until at the end of this week.

If I want 2 add a fire effect to Jack's ball and add fire effect 2 the D^A ?

yea of course. u can change every tag in itr and even work on frames by changing their order (via next usually) and sprites.
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I have to move on with an easy lesson, you have time to finish HW until sunday.


This file is the place where every object and bg in game is registered (chars,bg,weapon,etc).

object are in 7 types:
Type 0 - Characters
Type 1 - Light Weapons
Type 2 - Heavy Weapons
Type 3 - Attacks
Type 4 - Throw Weapons
Type 5 - Other
Type 6 - Drinks

So be careful when you add a new id!

objects loads in order. you can use the same id more than once, but only the first one will appear when it is spawn by a char or by other way.

Id function:
0-29 - characters included in the random function if they are not in the first line
30-39 & 50-59 - locked character ids, unlocked with, 30-39 in battle mode
100-199 drop from sky by random

id: 6 armor
id: 37 strong armor
id: 52 strong armor+against fire and ice
id: 51 fusion when id 7 and 8 run to each other
id 998,999 better dont touch

Full explanation:
Thanks given by: Gespenst
sorry but, can you delete me from the list? because I dont have time for this now.
was fun here.
I will try to learn on my own when I will have time.
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
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Today we will go to an important lesson which is really useful when you start modifying moves or create new ones.

But first we will learn about type 3 objects. These are "balls" or "magic attacks", like dennis balls (D>A).
Bmp part is the same thing with chars, the only difference is that here are no "parameters" like running speed. Frames are build in the same way etc. Usually when a ball is flying, those frames are called flying frames. open davis ball and look on it.

Flying frames (you can change frame names) has some itr's and some bdy's and use state: 3000. You can use other states but this is the one that we will learn first.

When you make frames in state 3000, ball goes in frame 10 (hitting) if you touch a character (or a heavy weapon). But if it hits another ball (or a light weapon) it goes to frame 20 (hitting). Rebounding starts on frame 30. USE STARE 3001 ON HITTING FRAMES AND 3002 ON HIT FRAMES.
You can see that balls like davis or dennis has hit and hitting frames ending with a next: 1000 which means balls will disappear.

The second part is oponit tag. this is used to spawn objects from objects, just like woody shoots that balls.
Lets' take an example of opoint and then explain. From davis:
<frame> 244 ball1
   pic: 144  state: 3  wait: 1  next: 246  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 30  centery: 79  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 1  x: 90  y: 43  action: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  oid: 207  facing: 0
      kind: 1  x: 30  y: 50  weaponact: 30  attacking: 0  cover: 1  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0 
      kind: 0  x: 21  y: 18  w: 43  h: 62

      kind: 1  x: 90  y: 43  action: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  oid: 207  facing: 0

kind: 1 use 1 for normal spawn.
x and y are coordinates, the place where the object (char) will spawn the ball or whatever object it is.
action: 0 the frame where the ball (object) will appear
dvx: how much it will be thrown in x (horizontal) direction
dvy: same thing, just for y direction
oid: 207 this is very important, this shows which id it will spawn. in this case it will spawn object with id 207, which is davis_ball.dat (read data.txt). (oid maybe means "opoint id").
facing: 0 means it will go in the char's directon. if it is 1 in the opposite direction. if you see facing: 30, means it will spawn 3 objects, if 31 in the other direction.

just by adding an opoint with facing: 1 of the same ball. Look on some rebounds.

make firen spawn john's disc when he press D>A (instead of fire balls).

2 rules to remember
opoint dont work on the first frame (of an action)
there cant be more than one opoint in a frame (just like other points)
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