Ladies and gentle men, Team-A presents:
One Piece A-Edition Demo 1.8
Team-A members:
1-A-MAN (Leader, DCer, programming and Reverse engineer)
2-pack5642 (Beta tester, move list writer, stage planner)
3-Rhino.Freak (DCer, Designer when in need!)
4-dan007/^"""": (Backgrounds Designer)
5-YinYangSplit (Designer)
6--|Mark975|- (Designer)
![[Image: jCkZcjE.png]](
Which contains a full move list for the 20 playable characters (Including Gear Second Luffy, Diable Jamble Sanji and the Pacifista):
![[Image: rKAQOig.png]](
The Download link:
This new demo features a whopping 17 playable characters (Excluding the transformations and Enemy set D that is the Pacifista), 4 stages, a survival mode of 30 stages and 5 enemy sets (A, B, C, D and E). Demo 1.8 follows the same unlocking system the previous version have used. That is, you start only with 3 of the main playables (Zoro, Luffy and Sanji), 1 enemy set (Enemy Set_A) and one stage. You unlock the rest by going through the stages, beating the bosses and gaining the Unlocking codes that appears after each boss. That unlock code is kept to be used later to unlock new playable characters and stages!. The game has really improved from what it was in 1.5. If you were one of those who tried, but didn't like it, I believe this deserves another chance.
Upon Requests:
As everyone has requested, the pacifista's charging time has been increased, so they are less powerful now. On the other hand, the stage mode this time has been made to "anti7computerallieswithplayer". That is, thinking you would beat the stage mode by simply increasing your computer allies to the max is now a dream, and won't work anymore. The stage mode has been told this time to add 1 pacifista only if there are and for each allies you have. So you better think it twice from now on

Joystick inputs are now permitted. Just make sure you plug in your joystick before running the game (Because the initialization of the device is only done at the start up of the game.). The arrow keys are automatically set to be the ones specialized for that in your stick, so all what you will be setting is the Jump, Defend and Attack keys.
Trouble shooting:
I am getting the error "The Application failed to start because it's side by side configuration is incorrect. Please refer to the application log for more details.". How do I fix this?
You need to install the run-time components for Visual C++ 2005. This time, the distribution has been bundled with the game itself; Just run "vcredist_x86.exe" in the "incase" folder found next to the game's exe.
I am getting the error "couldn't create art surface" every time I run the game. What do I do?
LIAR! XD. The incredible A-Grid Clipper has clipped 50% of the sprites in the game down to its edges. NO MORE CCAS!
Feedback would be truly appreciated. Also, if you happen to find a bug, please report it as soon as possible.
And Please:
No Sharing Unlock codes.Seriously, don't spoil the game for others, let them enjoy as well. . Feel free to post about your progress though.
Thanks in advance!