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my apologies for the lack of presence around here, i had a big pile of paper work i had to deal with the past couple of weeks am so beat but heh now a little brake and here is my work for today:

[Image: oTP8hVJ.png] getting frozen

[Image: 6sIPE8O.png] heavy obj running

[Image: cKLZ23p.png] heavy obj walking

not much work, but am back on progress now so i will be updating daily as usual (;
[Image: B5PGcCR.png]
[Image: knTTal3.gif]

Thanks given by: YinYin , Jahvansi , Eddie , LutiChris , Dr. Time
Yay, updates.

Btw, I was wondering, have you planned out how Blaze will play like? Like what kind of skills he will have, what's his strengths and weaknesses, possible play styles?
"I may devour the five continents, and swallow the three seas, but a body with neither wings, nor hands, nor feet, is powerless against the sky."

My stuff:
| sprites | frozen |

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(02-08-2014, 05:49 AM)Siegvar Wrote:  Yay, updates.

Btw, I was wondering, have you planned out how Blaze will play like? Like what kind of skills he will have, what's his strengths and weaknesses, possible play styles?

for skills *still not confirmed* i decided to go with 3 moves like most lf2 characters have, maybe a 4th attack will be added depending on what happens when i am getting closer to finish but that's still unlikely to happen.

1- a typical d>a which will showcase his element power, probably shoot 2 fire balls in a similar way firen does except the arm movement will be vertical unlike firen which is horizontal.
EDIT: anyone remembers heater's fire ball in hero fighter??! this is my alternate choice for the d>a fire projectile attack, something like this:

[Image: bm1NWkf.png]

2- some sort of an explosion, i still haven't thought enough about this one.. yinyin tho gave me a brilliant idea for the way he can perform the explosion similar to julian in LF1 (will provide images so you can see what am talking about later)

3- a melee combo most likely will add a fiery kick to finish up the combo.

in case you got any ideas please do share, just don't go crazy i want this to be clean and simple.
also, if everything goes alright regarding data work i might do him a custom AI.

siegvar Wrote:what's his strengths and weaknesses,

for strengths:
either, being able to bounce out of the "getting burnt" state or reducing the amount of damage he takes when getting burnt.
until i find something more original and unique this is all i have.

for weaknesses:
for the moment i haven't thought of any..

anyway for now i leave you with this:

[Image: iQmq53b.png] getting torched

not much of an update i know but am trying to get work done whenever i get the time for it.
cya soon (;

[Image: B5PGcCR.png]
[Image: knTTal3.gif]

Thanks given by: LutiChris , Bupkis
I have a move idea for blaze d>j.
Something similar to firens burn run. blaze cover himself with flames and gain a burst of speed for a limited range. he rams into enemies, sending them flying and burning.
back from the dead.....kinda
Thanks given by: onikage
(02-14-2014, 03:19 AM)Nyamaiku Wrote:  I have a move idea for blaze d>j.
Something similar to firens burn run. blaze cover himself with flames and gain a burst of speed for a limited range. he rams into enemies, sending them flying and burning.

[Image: heater2.png]
Thanks given by: onikage , LutiChris , Lucianocapocha
Exploding clone maybe? Something similiar to Siegvar's Frozen's ice clone? ;d
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Or Marshalls decoy?

I think that'd be too tactical (and powerful, considering clones can move) for his design.
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Clones wont suit blazes style.
And i got another idea for d^j. Blaze create 8 or more flame pillars in a circle around him, incinerating anything caught in the pillars for high damage. as a weakness, those that are in the center or out of range will not get affected.
back from the dead.....kinda
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Hmm... maybe not clones, but mirror images? perform fire attack and burn away after that.
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:thumbs up: 
;) Awesome bro i like ur character can u tall me how did you make your character graphic so soft,cuz i cant make like that :'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'( and By the way can u add me on FB please..... email: name: Shino saga thank you :)

Simoneon edited this post 02-16-2014 07:41 AM because:
Hey. That can also be made via Private Messages. Please use it for these kind of questions :)
[Image: Zepo.png]
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