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[Char] Nino

As I still dont have my tablett back and therefore forced to sprite with mouse I'll do the basic sprites of Nino with flash.
Here is the breathing as well as the walking animation.

[Image: breathing_by_janisarcane-d82azdu.gif] [Image: walking_by_janisarcane-d82az7v.gif]

I assume u dont like breathing mono, it's the standard animation of the template ;D
np it can be changed later, I just wanted to post this and ask weahter the quality is good enough.

Also @ memento: I honestly didnt like the arm shading u did that much, it is good but I looked at all the Lf2 sprites and analysed them. Not a single one of then had arm shading like this. The thing is that its pretty hard to make muscles visible on clothes. Anyway as u can see the sprite is a little bit edited, I hope u like it the way I#m going to sheet him now...
Thanks given by: Memento
(10-10-2014, 07:59 PM)Arcane Wrote:  Nino

As I still dont have my tablett back and therefore forced to sprite with mouse I'll do the basic sprites of Nino with flash.
Here is the breathing as well as the walking animation.
[Image: breathing_by_janisarcane-d82azdu.gif] [Image: walking_by_janisarcane-d82az7v.gif]

I assume u dont like breathing mono, it's the standard animation of the template ;D
np it can be changed later, I just wanted to post this and ask weahter the quality is good enough.

Also @ memento: I honestly didnt like the arm shading u did that much, it is good but I looked at all the Lf2 sprites and analysed them. Not a single one of then had arm shading like this. The thing is that its pretty hard to make muscles visible on clothes. Anyway as u can see the sprite is a little bit edited, I hope u like it the way I#m going to sheet him now...
I understand :) it looks fine like this, nice edit.

If you want, you can share the sprites with me now and then and I'll fix minor things like dirty pixels and 1px mistakes
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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alright, I will just post the sheet whenever I get sth done ;)

Nino_sheet (Click to View)
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Cool:) I must agree though, that template isn't a very good base....
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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Did some more progress: Running

[Image: running_by_janisarcane-d82c7sr.gif]

and the updated sheet :>
Nino_sheet (Click to View)

(10-10-2014, 10:07 PM)Memento Wrote:  Cool:) I must agree though, that template isn't a very good base....
Well I use this sheet made by YinYin as its so well organised and I always know whats left to do :D
also I wont base Nino's attacks on template, they will be unique, no worries ;)
Thanks given by: Memento
Alrighty :)

When I get home, I'll reïnstall Nino and delete all the sprites and data that don't need a remake. It will give you some info on existing attacks that I'd like to keep for him. I'll upload this ASAP, this might not be today however. It would be great if you could wait with basic attacks like simply punches too

I'll get back to you soon!

P.s. our first character is in the making :D awesome!
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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amazing! while we're at it, how about we implement a story for this lil guy in the story mode too? (if that's already done, tell me please, I must have missed it)
(03-20-2016, 06:41 PM)mfc Wrote:  Be the unsqueezable sponge!
My new life motto!
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I'm happy u guys like it! :)

some more stuff:

I'll try to finish this sheet today. Well, I'll do everything but the red (attack) frames for now :p

Okay I cant finish the sheet today, I'll go visiting a mate now.
Though there are only few frames left for the basic actions (without attacks). I guess i can finish it tomorrow!

Enjoy :)

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Wow, you're fast!

I love the sprites, great quality. Just a couple of things I noticed:
- The sprites aren't all same size or proportion. Especially the hair sizes are often a bit diffirent;
- The belt is sometimes in the wrong place. For example, in the jumping back & dashing back sprite the belt is going over the leg, and in the last sprite of the third row the belt is going over the arm

I've been cleaning up Nino's old data and sprites a bit. I deleted quite some stuff from there.
Tomorrow I'll upload the sprites that can be used as an example for his moves. You can modify some stuff if you like (not everything I made for Nino is in the best quality :p )

There's only one move that I'd definately like to keep, which is the sliding attack. Some others I'd like to keep as well because of the great combo potential, but I want to change them a bit. I'll get into detail later. I'd say we decide on the moves together in the end :) 

D>J. This is the only move I'd like to keep the same for the most part. It might be better if Nino would be facing us instead of having us see the back

[Image: DrJ_zpsc2d881a6.png]

D>J+A can be changed if you want; D>J+J should still have the same effect, so enemy flying up. This is for the combos

Other moves:

D^A. Can be changed if you'd like, as long as the last hit makes the opponent fly up
[Image: DuA_zps43b6c151.png]

D ^J. This move is useful in combos. It is used after kicking the opponent up with a flip kick or directly after D>J if your timing is right. It's 4 kicks in mid-air, which makes him an easy target. We might want to change it into 2 of 3 kicks. What do you think?
[Image: DuJ_zps6acb87e6.png]

D>A. Basically, he just shoots a blue ball over the long distance. However, this wasn't the intention I had for his D>A initially. At first, my idea was to make him cross his arms before his body and create something that would look similar to two of deep's D>A "balls" forming a cross. I couldn't get it to look good though, so I made the blue ball thing in the end :p 

[Image: DrA_zpsdcc630a9.png]

DvA. Be amazed by my former animation skills (it was supposed to be a fluent spinning move haha)
[Image: DdA_zps71659a51.png]

Grab attack
[Image: grabattack_zps2fedd75b.png]

Jump attack. It's pretty lame, so do with it whatever you want. It allows for some combos as well, but you can change it though
[Image: jumpattack_zpsfbf3163b.png]

Dash attack, right now it's just basically Dennis' so you can do with it whatever you want :) 
[Image: dashattack_zps2f6117a6.png]

Run attack. You can keep it like this, or modify it if you like
[Image: runattack_zps00720e17.png]

Super punch is just the flip kick at the moment. I guess we can think of something better :p 
I think we should get rid of the blue effects too, and simply make the speed effect like I did with Goku ^

In case you'd like to have all the sprites (you might be able to use some of them as a base maybe):

It's not the one you can download from the mainsite; this is the version without DvJ and super attacks, and I deleted unused sprites (or placed an X in them on the spritesheets).
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

Thanks given by: Jahvansi , Rhino.Freak
Year I also noticed that, I gotta fix the size of the side-view head and edited the belt in those frames.
I'll do it when I get home I'm still at my friends house ;)
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