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Ala Ayo! Hal - lay a lot of wheels. Alan, Jaley, me - so when we, males, become men, can be... um... the lead

Twoja matka szlifuje piece w piekarni. Przez to chleb smakuje jak kupa.
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Two ojamas slice fuji piece with pike army. Press to check some jack koopa.

Yakoulou ahmed amine: "al ghadou mochrikon!"
make sure to check my sprites!
I guarantee your eyes won't hurt! At least, they won't hurt too much :p !
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Yes koala Ahmed algae duo mash raccoon.

Nin goy shing?
[Image: signature.png]
A-Engine: A new beat em up game engine inspired by LF2. Coming soon

A-Engine Dev Blog - Update #8: Timeout

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nine go sing?

Dis 'n pragtige dag buite (afrikaans, translated with google translation)
make sure to check my sprites!
I guarantee your eyes won't hurt! At least, they won't hurt too much :p !
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That's a practical dog bread!
(Although I'm pretty sure it's something along the lines of "This is a nice day [something]")

Миний хөвөгч онгоц могой загасаар дүүрсэн байна!
For those struggling with kyrillic: Minij khövöguch onguots mogoj zaguasaar düürsen bajna!
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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@silverthorn: indeed. how did you guess  Shock ?
mini joke have guts on guts mog jaguar duing "bajna"! (wtf)

un chasseur sachant chasser doit savoir chasser sans son chien (another french tonguetwister)
make sure to check my sprites!
I guarantee your eyes won't hurt! At least, they won't hurt too much :p !
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A chaser, such a chaser!
Do it, savior-chaser.
Sun, son, china.

Looks like a poem or something.

Ich muss noch ein kleines Gestell aus Holz bauen, komme aber nie dazu.
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i must not einstein gost hell or Holes ban, come uber no ds.

make sure to check my sprites!
I guarantee your eyes won't hurt! At least, they won't hurt too much :p !
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Jetzt hat er schon wieder vergessen, seinen eigenen Satz zu posten.
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jester, hat ... err... school wielder, veigar seen eighteen sitting poems.

we lam yatafalsaf ayyou moutafalsifin.
make sure to check my sprites!
I guarantee your eyes won't hurt! At least, they won't hurt too much :p !
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