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The Resistance / Story of Insanity
B) eat fish. The fish is d4 3v1l ph1schy >:D

TITLE: a idea
make cave for bear?
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Ramon reaches for his lemonade-filled glass, looks inside and notices a dead fly in it.

Ramon: What's this? Who did this?
XM: What?
Ramon: This here.
XZ: Why, what ish there?
Ramon: Look!
A Yoshi: Look where?
Ramon: Here, into my glass!
Xample: A black dot.
Ramon: No, there's a dead fly swimming inside my lemonade.
Tatoriga: If it'sh dead, how can it shwim?
Ramon: Well I just noticed you all have pretty bad manners.
A Yoshi: *angered* Why?
Ramon: Well, what do you think?
Xample: Ramon ish right.
Tatoriga: Sho you mean to shay... we should firsht shwallow the food before we talk?
Ramon: Exactly.
XZ: Why? It'sh not that we don't know each other.
Ramon: Still, you call that bad manners. I did not invent manners.
XM: I know shomeshing called Manner-shlicesh.
Ramon: That's something completely different.
XM: Whatever. *rolls eyes and continues chewing*
Ramon: When I look at you, I could guess you're all having chewing gum.
A Yoshi: Well, thish tashtesh better.
Ramon: Whatever.

Ramon then fishes out the fly and unnoticedly puts it into Tatoriga's lemonade.

After a while of thinking, he decides to...

A) have some pork
B) eat fish
C) get some salad
D) decide upon what he's gonna eat
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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C) eat fishy. D4 3v1l ph1schy!!! >:D

TITLE: a idea
make cave for bear?
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D) Decides upon what to eat.

@snorsorbet: Ya know, it´s alternative B) this time...
| Metaknight | G-types | Bottle Skinz | Companion Cube | Art Gallery |
"Do not grieve, it is logical. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one."
- Mr. Spock
"A man's not dead while his name is still spoken"
- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal
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Hey guys. D: No need to post after somebody already chose an alternative. Also, only the Letter given is chosen

Ramon reaches for the salad bowl, when he notices black liquid in it.

Ramon: So what the fudge is that.
Tatoriga: Man, you are quite picky today.
A Yoshi: Cheer up, man, chill out. It'sh New Yearsh Day.
Ramon: No. This food is not chilled out.
Xample: Chill in, I mean, what'sh the point in complaining, sheesh.
XM: Hungry!
Ramon: Guys.

After a while of thinking, he decides to...

A) have some pork
B) eat fish
C) decide upon what he's gonna eat
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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he decide
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Ramon thinks. That happens quite rarely.

Ramon: So I'm gonna have ice cream, then.
A Yoshi: There'sh shome in the fridge.
Ramon: Wow, I thought our fridge never contains supplies.
XZ: Well it doesh.
Ramon: Okay.

Ramon goes to the fridge, opens it and finds tons of ice cream in glass bowls.

Ramon: Holy fudge! Where did you get all this from??

After Ramon finishes three bowls at once, he starts to suffer from Brain Freeze.

Ramon: Oh... my... go... sh...
A Yoshi: *swallows piece of meat* Ramon what's up?
Tatoriga: Ramon, thish ish madnesh!
Ramon: Brain... Freeze... gah!!

He turns all blue in the face.

Ramon finally decides to...

A) run in circles and shout
B) get to the fireplace in the living room
C) have some more ice cream
D) lie on the floor and wait until his head warms up
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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C) have some more ice cream!
| Metaknight | G-types | Bottle Skinz | Companion Cube | Art Gallery |
"Do not grieve, it is logical. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one."
- Mr. Spock
"A man's not dead while his name is still spoken"
- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal
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I kinda suspected you would choose that...

Ramon: Argh... I... need... more... ICE CREAM!!

Slowly, almost like lagging, he moves to the fridge and barely manages to open it.


Ramon eats another portion of ice cream. Suddenly his face turns red.

Ramon: Oh man!
A Yoshi: What'sh the problem?
Tatoriga: Ramon what ish wrong with you?
Ramon: UARGH!!!

Ramon jumps around.

Ramon: HAA... HAA...
XZ: Shoundsh like a big retarted laugh there.
Ramon: It's HOT! HOT!! SH- *insert censored words here*
XM: Ramon, calm down, shmelly knickersh!
Ramon: Damnation!! I'm on fire!!
Xample: What the heck is wrong with you?

After 25 painful seconds, Ramon finally comes to peace.

Ramon: What the fudge? This ice cream had chili flavour. And it was hot!!
Tatoriga: Sho what?
XZ: We don't care, we just want to know what'sh wrong with you.
Ramon: Guys, that was the reason I freaked out.
XM: What? NO!!!
Ramon: YES, you mean?
XZ: NOO!!!!
Ramon: Well whatever.

Finally everybody finishes lunch/dinner.

XZ: So what now?
Xample: Let's have some cake.
Tatoriga: The cake is NOT THE TRUTH! OMFG!!
A Yoshi: Tatoriga, stop being so obviously nerdy.
XM: We could play a round of Brawl.
Ramon: I would own you all, even if all of you played on one controller.

Suddenly there is a sound of a helicopter. Its noise increases with time. Ramon looks out of the window and notices that the helicopter is about to land somewhere in the garden of their hideout.

Ramon: Sheesh, guys! What's that?
A Yoshi: Aw man! Smells like trouble!
XM: Looks like hostiles.

After the helicopter lands, ...

A) 3 people jump out
B) 5 people jump out
C) 10 people jump out
D) it tries to explode
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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C) 10 people jump out.

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Grand Fonic Hymn - Orchestral Arrangement. Arranged by me. I promise it's not horribad.
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