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[mod]lf fusions
yeah... i try to change that.. when i have time..
thx for you comment.
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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ok...i made a new fusion of dennis,davis and woody...the fusion is called perfect fighter but its only a first try
here it is [Image: davisdenniswoodyfusiontp1.png]
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cool char lf2timme1, i like his hair^^ but i think it would be better when he would wear blue and green clothes (the colours of davis, dennis and woody)
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Lulz even I would be able to make sprites for this mod, just replace heads and the fusion of 2 characters is done xd
dunno why so complicated sprites as the one above, copypaste tech is very suitable for it

lulz this took me 5 minutes xd
( cough I actually sprited, something is wrong with me )
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i never said that the sprites are hard to make.. i only don't have time right now..
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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I didnt say they are supposed to be hard, but that the idea of "fusing" is most suitably done with copypaste tech ( no remaking or colour change of those already done sheets ) but it's only my opinion for the fusing... besides I'm no spriter as well.
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[Image: 87269667fy8.png]
just to motivate someone to make a fusion of mark+knight^^
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@dixon: ok...u did it in 5 minutes...i also did ..and yours really dont looks cool
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actually it was below 3...
it is not supposed to look cool lol

none seem to even try to understand... ok i m outta
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...errmmm...but what it's then supposed to...i alredy know the copy paste method^^
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