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easy prob.
hi every1.
i have a small question:
running frames has state 0 right? i want to make a new running frame to a character, i want him to use another sprites when running.
simply, i want something like this:
how to do that? when i try my character it keep running frame F1 to F4.
sry if its hard to understand=P
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What does the next: on the running frames say?

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The next function doesn't work on run frames. You have to change the state (Really buggy) or change the EXE (hard like hell).
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it says "next: 0"
and i have to change the state??? change the state 2 into state what? is this really goes to exe? oh whatev. here is the frame pieces:
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State: 2 disable the next function so what you note on the next is not important. you have to change the state to something else (anything you think it fit).
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is state 15 doesn't matter? so state 2 makes the next unimportant? where is the frame connecter?
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State 2 - Running

If a player presses left or right two times quickly, the character will run. State 2 is used for the running frames, and running_speed and running_speedz sets the speed.
If you press J while running, your character go to frame 213 (dash), while pressing A and he'll go to frame 85 (run_attack). Pressing D will cause the character to jump to frame 102 (rowing).

and its have nothing to do with next :P
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It define in the EXE just like which frame will you go to when you press A in the frames with state: 0.

But if you change the state, you will need dvx: <running speed> to make the char run, hit_d: <row frame> to make him row,...
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and dvz (runnung speed_z) with hit_a and hit_j i think...
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I know, this sequence would give you a really neat animation for running, but it's hard ranging into impossibility to realize it. It's definitely not an "easy prob" :P

see it like that: state: 2 makes your char run, disregards any next- & wait-values, let's you roll when you press defend, dash on jump, run_attack on attack. I'm not quite sure about this thing but it could be that any frame @ state: 2 will make your char go straight to the running-frames. Way of making a char do some running :P But I'm really not sure about that one.
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
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