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Suddenly there appeared a huge 'marsh' in front of then in their path.....As the proceeded thinking that this was something very stupid Suddenly there appeared a HUGE marsh weapons seemed to have any effect on it....
Then they were surrounded by a very large no. of hunters and badits and some people who were very muscular looking, Jorious said softly "Mark"...
Suddenly there was a thunderous roar which made all bandits dive for cover....Sadbhav's huge energy lion was still there and was ready to do whatever it could to assist the fighters....
If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
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(How the heck is there a marsh? We're on a wall here)
They continued along the Wall until they suddenly found themselves surrounded, bandits and hunters on either side, along with some of the bald men, with an extremely muscular-looking man in front. He called to them, saying, "Lay down your weapons! I am Mark and you are under arrest by order of Lord Julian himself!"
Drahcir replied by telekinetically grabbing a nearby bandit and throwing him at Mark. When Mark threw a punch at him, he ducked and sliced Mark's fist off. The battle was easy from there.
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Grand Fonic Hymn - Orchestral Arrangement. Arranged by me. I promise it's not horribad.
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(Don't discredit any ideas just yet  what do you guys think of this ... .gif) )
... "I WILL BE BACK!!"
As everyone gathered where Sadbhav had only just been,
Stino looked at Jorious "What the hell is this?" Jorious replied with
a half-hearted shrug, still staring in disbelief at where Sadbhav had
apparently vaporized.
Sariah walked up behind them "Whats going-" she froze, her eyes
widened in horror as she recognized the arrow on the ground.
Before she could yell a warning, the arrow glowed brilliantly,
and then it exploded. Before anyone else reacted, Drahcir moved in
front, his sword swinging in a bright ark as the shards disintigrated.
As jorious stopped staring dumbfoundedly at the events, and
started talking to Drahcir, Sariah looked into the sky "That arrow ...
theres no way ... well, Sadbhav's fate is up to him now.
Is he strong enough to get through it, I wonder?"
After everyone in the remaining party, which now consisted of
Mailliw, Stino, Sariah, Drahcir and Jorious, had managed thier way
onto the wall, they proceeded across it.
As Jorious explained about the Wall to the group, he also mentioned
that the Shaolin Monks lived here, but none had emerged.
a concerned look crossing Jorious's face.
After travelling for some time, without having fought anyone in a
while, Sariah started to get impatient "What? We're on Julian's border
and he sends 2 waves of nothing to stop us?!" Jorious stopped and
turned to her, arms crossed
"Be Thankful he hasn't sent that much. Maybe he hasn't
realized how close we are." Sariah was just about to retort with
another comeback, as the Wall began to rumble.
The floor beneath them cracked and broke, falling beyond sight.
Caught off guard, the companions fell into the darkness.
Jorious, Mailliw and Drahcir telekinetically caught themselves meters
from the dark floor.
Sariah's cape opened up into 2 huge bat-wings, gliding between the
falling rock.
Stino reacted purely out of instinct, jumping between the falling debris
and the wall to slow his fall, finally landing with a splash.
Jorious looked around and spoke up "This is where the Monks ..." the
ground squelched beneath his feat "But the cavern's deserted, except
for this ... marsh?" The light from above seemed so far away, and
yet it managed to partially light up the huge cave.
A low roar rumbled from the other end of the cavern. "What the hell
was that?" Mailliw muttered. A hulking form emerged from the darkness.
easily taking up half the space in the cavern. It roared again,
shaking the ground where they stood.
Jorious looked over his shoulder at Sariah "Happy now?" ...
(Sadbhav's lion comes in too  )
Trust you're all well.
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Suddenly a, huge number of muscular men and bandits and hunters come to comfront them and from behind them, a number of bats appear a....and appears a man called bat, he says softly with the most evil and cruel smile ''hello Sariah, long time no see...''
(aww c'mon let there be a marsh, its our story, u can bring anything stupid in here too!)
If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
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(I'm sorry my posts are so long, but there is a marsh, and a monster, if you read it:confused 
(I'll try to really cut down on the size  )
(once you've read it, who wants to fight the Monster first or (Sadbhav's post) Bat first? (the other can be done second, eh?))
(I'll add a bit to both and the next poster can pick .gif) )
The party took their defensive stances, the Monster seemed to swell
in size, again, the marsh seemingly flowed into it, and it into the marsh.
a wide smile cracked Sariah's face "Finally some action!"
There was a roar again, but not from the creature,
a shining lion landed beside the fighters, growling at the monster ...
They all recognized the energy. "Sadbhav ... is still fighting ... amazing"
muttered Sariah ...
Sariah growled, Bat's malevolent grin widened "Ah, come on ..." Bat
walked toward them "... is that any way to treat an old friend?"
Sariah developed her own malevolent smile, her cape forming into
wings around her "I'm gonna ..." Her iris's turned red "... KILL YOU!"
she screamed, launching herself at Bat. Jorious moved to stop her,
but the Muscular Men intervined and attack the rest of the group ...
Trust you're all well.
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(Its ok, long posts are good here)
Drahcir and Mailliw reacted simultaneously, Drahcir telekinetically throwing himself at the beast, while Mailliw charged at Bat, taking down the muscular guards with ease. As Drahcir slashed at the monster, his attacks seemeed to have no apparent effect. So he jumped on top of the monster and started to push it down from above. (I'll leave it to the next poster to see if this works XD)
Meanwhile, Mailliw blocked lasers at a furious speed...
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Grand Fonic Hymn - Orchestral Arrangement. Arranged by me. I promise it's not horribad.
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04-11-2009, 01:17 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-11-2009, 01:19 PM by Magnamancy.)
(ohk  , and we can give a shot .gif) )
(just so I've got my head around it, there is Mailliw and Sariah vs Bat, Drahcir and Energy Lion vs Monster, Jorious vs Muscular Men, and Stino hasn't had the chance to post yet XD)
Drahcir grinned as the Marsh Monster seemed to recede back into
itself under his pressure, but shock gripped him as the Monster
then surged upwards, his force passing harmlessly through it.
The suging marsh flew past him, enveloping him, the murky water
reduced his sight to nothing, he couldn't move, he couldn't
breathe ...
Drahcir felt a heavy force slam into him, and the cold air whipped
about him as he fell away from the Monster. Landing semi-upright in
the marsh, he realized that Sadbhav's Energy Lion had freed him.
As it didn't need air, it thrashed about inside the Monster where it
had knocked Drahcir from, but the Monster didn't seem to care.
The Monster turned to face Drahcir, who was thinking quickly ...
On the other side of the cavern, Sariah and Bat exchanged blows.
Sariah's reformed claws swiped wildly at Bat, who dodged, and returned
a single, heavy blow, sending Sariah spiraling off into the cavern wall.
Mailliw picked up the fight, his sword arcing through the air, as Bat
fired a volley of lasers at him.
Mailliw weaved in between a set of lasers, and as he moved to
slice Bat in two, Bat disappeared, appearing behind him.
Bat wore a mocking smile as he landed a kick on Mailliw's chest,
sending him flying into the marsh many meters away.
As Bat moved to attack the down Mailliw, he spun around.
Sariah was in the air, vibrantly purple energy gathering around her.
Bat's eyes ignited with red energy, Sariah roared as a shot of purple
energy erupted from her mouth, and Bat blasted with his own.
The energies collided, hanging in the air for a moment, and then
they exploded, rocking the cavern ...
One of the remaining Muscle Men moved to hit Jorious, who, in anger,
let loose a surge of psychokinetic power, throwing back all the
remaining Muscle Men, who landed in the marsh, unconscious.
Jorious breathed deeply, and turned to Stino ...
Trust you're all well.
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04-11-2009, 02:36 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-11-2009, 02:43 PM by Drahcir.)
...who began to take down the hunters, bandits, and muscular men with his two swords. (Too bad, I posted first, so you don't have a choice Skel  )
As he sliced at the monster, Drahcir's beamsword collided with the lion inside it. It treated the lion as it would anything else of superconcentrated energy, sending it flying. He used the brief opening to shove a pressure ball inside it. He watched as the pieces of the monster flew across the cavern from all directions, then turned to Bat.
When Mailliw had retrieved his two beamswords from the marsh, he turned to Bat and threw a pressure ball of his own at him. Bat destroyed it in midair, sending Mailliw, Sariah, and Bat flying. When Mailliw had gotten up again, he started deflecting all lasers coming his way at Bat, as Sariah fired some of her own at him.
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Grand Fonic Hymn - Orchestral Arrangement. Arranged by me. I promise it's not horribad.
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The monster was now preoccupied with The muscular men and started eating them....The lion became smaller and slipped out....the monster having its fill of Macho men (XDDDDD) gets drowsy and slowly goes to sleep.....
The lion grows energy wings and flies up and away....towards....somewhere...
If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
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^^conflicting posts... I posted mine first
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Grand Fonic Hymn - Orchestral Arrangement. Arranged by me. I promise it's not horribad.
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