I am just lazy so I copy. See the functions in the spoiler.
The whole thread of the exe in forum mod (Click to View)
This thread puts the information about the exe used in forum mod.
Any question and request about the exe and dll ask here.
Latest release of the exe [19/04/09]: http://www.mediafire.com/?nonzhmmjlui
Updates [19/04/09]:
Fixed the bug at AI.
Remake the itr/effects part.
Updates [17/04/09]:
AI added.
State 20 - Attacks only teammates. (Enemies freezed will still be attacked. )
State 85 and 86 - Enable the movement by the 4 direction keys in moves. (For example the D>J 'body attack' of Mark allows movement in z-direction. This 2 states do this, and they also allow movement in x-direction, that means you can moving back.) State 85 different from 86 as it additionally increment the frame number by 1 immediately.
State 4XXX - A set of transformation states using the original pic set. The frame number will not be setting to zero in transforming. (fill in the ID in XXX like you do in state 8XXX)
Itr/effect 6 - Brings the enemies to the frame 150. State 150 and 156 immues to it.
Itr/effect 7 - Hits the enemies without sound and without bringing them to the frames of injured.
Itr/effect 8 - Makes the enemies fall immediately.
Itr/effect 6XXX - A set of itr/effect bringing the enemies to the frame number of XXX. With the same value of XXX, State 6XXX immues to it.
Itr/effect 8XXX - A set of itr/effect transforming the enemies to the ID of XXX. State 80 immues to it.
Itr/effect 1XXXYYYZZZ - Moves the enemies to the frame number of XXX. (Enemies with state 6XXX immues to this part.) Transforms the enemies to the ID of YYY. Fill in ZZZ the state of enemies you want to specified to be affected. Fill in ZZZ with 998 to specific the effect to enemies in state 11 and 16 (The 2 states of Stun and Dance of Pain). You can put in 999 in the parts of XXX, YYY or ZZZ to separately disable the function of each part.
This work of hex is done by Silva's dll framework. Go >>here<< you can know more about it.
Actually I distinguish the AI by the names, so please tell me your request like 'Henry's AI to ID 15'.
I will look the ID reservation thread also, so no need to post here again if you have written that in the ID reservation thread..gif)
Any question and request about the exe and dll ask here.
Latest release of the exe [19/04/09]: http://www.mediafire.com/?nonzhmmjlui
Updates [19/04/09]:
Fixed the bug at AI.
Remake the itr/effects part.
Updates [17/04/09]:
AI added.
State 20 - Attacks only teammates. (Enemies freezed will still be attacked. )
State 85 and 86 - Enable the movement by the 4 direction keys in moves. (For example the D>J 'body attack' of Mark allows movement in z-direction. This 2 states do this, and they also allow movement in x-direction, that means you can moving back.) State 85 different from 86 as it additionally increment the frame number by 1 immediately.
State 4XXX - A set of transformation states using the original pic set. The frame number will not be setting to zero in transforming. (fill in the ID in XXX like you do in state 8XXX)
Itr/effect 6 - Brings the enemies to the frame 150. State 150 and 156 immues to it.
Itr/effect 7 - Hits the enemies without sound and without bringing them to the frames of injured.
Itr/effect 8 - Makes the enemies fall immediately.
Itr/effect 6XXX - A set of itr/effect bringing the enemies to the frame number of XXX. With the same value of XXX, State 6XXX immues to it.
Itr/effect 8XXX - A set of itr/effect transforming the enemies to the ID of XXX. State 80 immues to it.
Itr/effect 1XXXYYYZZZ - Moves the enemies to the frame number of XXX. (Enemies with state 6XXX immues to this part.) Transforms the enemies to the ID of YYY. Fill in ZZZ the state of enemies you want to specified to be affected. Fill in ZZZ with 998 to specific the effect to enemies in state 11 and 16 (The 2 states of Stun and Dance of Pain). You can put in 999 in the parts of XXX, YYY or ZZZ to separately disable the function of each part.
This work of hex is done by Silva's dll framework. Go >>here<< you can know more about it.
AI list - Wrote:ID: 12 - Woody+'generic D>A' (JossuaDC)
ID: 20 15 - Davis+'generic D>A' (Drahcir) not yet edited
ID: 21 16 - Rudolf (Drahcir) not yet edited
ID: 18 - Dennis+'generic D>A' (Magnamancy)
ID: 20 - Firzen (DarkFirzenEX) not yet added
ID: ?? - Henry+'range A' (no one) not yet added
Instruction for the AI - Wrote:In 2.0, There is basically three parts of the advance AI
Character specific:
Generic D>A:
The character marked above a asterisk uses Generic D>A AI. (So for those character the D>A will not be contained in the Character Specific AI. )
Ranged attack: (They press A to carry out a shoot attack)
This 3 parts of AI can freely be mixed for a new character. (For example, Louis's AI with the normal attack is a Ranged attack.)
Actually I distinguish the AI by the names, so please tell me your request like 'Henry's AI to ID 15'.
I will look the ID reservation thread also, so no need to post here again if you have written that in the ID reservation thread.