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My sprites (chase123)
I see you took Bandit as a base, didn't you? Well, I actually welcome it that you used him this time. It moves your sprite to a whole new level. As skel mentioned, the six-pack got a little.... 4-square-ish :P
Also, you may let some hair come down on his forehead, it gives a little more realistic look that a sharp & straight hairline. A bit hair is missing on the top-right side, imo. Would look a little better if you add some. Pretty much, take Davis's hair as a reference on how the outline of hair has to look like ;)
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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thanks i have added the six packs:

[Image: sprite23z.png]
Feel free to check out My Sprites
"A mistake is simply another way of doing things."
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From now on, You can do sprites not only some brush overs... :P

Gratz ;)
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yes, that looks very nice. Just a few things I would like you to change:
- what happened to the left arm? The shoulder is much too big.
- so nice body... Could you make the arms a bit like that, too?
- head must be a big bigger.
- hair goes a bit too _(directly over his face). Should be a bit wavering, like ~
- trowser look as if they could be better, but I can find nothing wrong.

Were quite many things, but all of them just little imrovement ideas. But you got much better. Go on like that.
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Whoa! That's astonishing comparing to the rest of your work! :P
There is only 2 issues:
It looks like his butt is facing forward... Try to make the shading on his pants less "butt-shaped" :D
And both of his eyebrows are facing right (our left). Try making them " .\ /. "-shaped instead of " /. /. "-shaped :D

To improve your general spriting even moar:
Right now you use 2 shading levels (2 different shades of each color). Try to use multiple shading levels instead, I use to use 3 different colors. (4 or 5 if it's hair because you need to pronounce the gleam).

TITLE: a idea
make cave for bear?
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thanks here is my newest sprite:

[Image: sprite24c.png]
Feel free to check out My Sprites
"A mistake is simply another way of doing things."
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Failer Wrote:From now on, You can do sprites not only some brush overs...


I did an epic fail, *grabbing my words back to my mouth*, now You just came to Your beggining, again...

Needs lot of improvement... -_-
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those are really nice sprites..:)
My Releases (Click to View)
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well then....i improved it:

[Image: sprite24.png]
Feel free to check out My Sprites
"A mistake is simply another way of doing things."
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thats more like it.. .nice job!
i have only one more thing to complain about.. on the right side (from your view) the char need more shading where the arms connect to the upperbody... so that the arm sticks out.. same on the left side ( i noticed while writing)
fix that and your sprite looks pro. ;)
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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