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Mafia (Round 13, retry...)
"Good morning", Nave says into tha round, as he passes through the door to the buffet.
"Morning", Sonidow mumbles.
While Magnamancy, Drahcir and snorsorbet silently sip their coffee, Alectric notices somebody is missing... again.
"Oh shoot", he calls out, "that dude is absent. Now what's his name...?"
"Who do you mean?", Apoc asks. After he looks around he notices it too.
"Jerkington", he says silently.
After breakfast Nave, Dome and snorsorbet decide to check upon his room. They notice that the door's lock had been forced open.
"Oh no", they whisper, as they enter the room.
Jerkington's body is lying on the bed with eyes opened and a surprised facial expression. Bloody marks are seen on his neck. He was strangled during the night.

Bloody Marks on Jerkington's neck (Click to View)

And one more time the police arrives.
Jerkington is proven to have been Citizen.

1. Jerkington - Citizen
2. Magnamancy
3. Apoc
4. naruto - Citizen
5. 3rdEnemy - Mafia
6. Phil - Trapper
7. Nave
8. Alectric
9. Dome
10. snorsorbet
11. Sonidow
12. Drahcir
Mafia to Citizen ratio: 3 : 5

-1 Godfather
-2 Mafia

-1 Doctor
-1 Sheriff
-1 Vigilante (2 bullets)
-2 Citizens

Day Round 2 (accusing)

The second day at the hotel... just who will be held responsible for past night's actions?
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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dead, now I became completely useless (not by that i weren't useless alive). now, if we kill a wrong person, we've lost the game after mafia's turn. (BTW nice pic ramond. bloody Marks around my neck xD). let's hope sheriff and doctor does good work. BTW, where is the insomniac?
Just waiting for the audio tags to become a thing
>My other musical "masterpieces"<
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I guess we should wait for the Sheriff to say something... or 3rdEnemy
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No insomniac this round, you notice just now?
I so want to get Alec to rage on me :)
How can I step over the line?
Just got Ninja'd
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I'm 100% sure that sonidow & alec are innocent btw...

2. Magnamancy
3. Apoc
9. Dome
10. snorsorbet
12. Drahcir

so 3 out of these 5 are mafia... I'll try to get more clues from 3rd
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Good luck with that :)
Just curious, if I say the name Magnamancy, will you acuse him of being mafia or think that he is inocent?
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why should i tell you that? then you won't give me anymore clues...
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I accuse Dome, Drahcir and Snor. Good job, Nave! LET'S WIN THIS!
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btw... it's dayround, right? so I'll accuse Dome

EDIT: ninja'ed... but thanks that you listen to me now^^
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Waiting for the sheriff to answer. We still can win this.
Vigilante, PM me.
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