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The Vending Machine
Out comes epic coolness which clucks

I put in Firzen & Dazzapizza
If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
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out comes firen and dazzapizza

i put in nothing.

[Image: woopuserbarcopymb5.jpg]
[Image: chelseafcfancopyta4.jpg]
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Out comes anything

I put in Vegeta
If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
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Out comes Buu!

I put sadbhav turned into a chocolate biscuit into the vending machine
| Metaknight | G-types | Bottle Skinz | Companion Cube | Art Gallery |
"Do not grieve, it is logical. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one."
- Mr. Spock
"A man's not dead while his name is still spoken"
- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal
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Out comes a normal sadbhav

I put a sirfrog turned frog into the V.M
If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
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Out comes the frog prince.

I put in my unfinished homework.
[Image: uMSShyX.png]
Steiner v3.00 (outdated), Challenge Stage v1.51
Luigi's Easier Data-Editor, A-Man's Sprite Mirrorer
Working on the LF2 Rebalance mod.
Avatar styled by: prince_freeza
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Out comes shredded parts of ur unfinished H.W

I put in a Dragon (dont ask how)
If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
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out comes a bery angry dragon looking for sadbhav.

I put in hair.

[Image: woopuserbarcopymb5.jpg]
[Image: chelseafcfancopyta4.jpg]
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Out come the dragons hair which I give to the dragon and blame Dazzapizza for it :P

I put in A house
If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
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out comes bricks and glue

I put in some ants

[Image: woopuserbarcopymb5.jpg]
[Image: chelseafcfancopyta4.jpg]
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