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Rate Avatar/ Signature Game
10/10 I like smilies :D

4/10 Kinda sucks

Thanks given by:
Avatar: 8/10 - niceee :D
Signature: 6/10 - don't really like Eminem :P
Thanks given by:
Avatar: 6/10 Well, it's funny and all, but I'd put this into the "funny Stuff" spoiler of your signature.
Signature: 9/10 Very nice picture of the Joker. Fit's perfectly for a signature. BUT. I don't like spoilers... (design wise)
Thanks given by:
Avatar: It is none, so it deserves 9/10.

Signature: Even though it probably didn't require that much skill to create, it's creative, small and anybody who played Half Life will love that avatar! :D 10/10

TITLE: a idea
make cave for bear?
Thanks given by:
AVA: I don't like bandits, but you did that ava, so... 7/10
SIGGY: you wasted a lot of time to make that siggy too. Sunglasses are cool 9/10
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ava 7.5/10 quite nice, but somehow i dont like it :P
sig 7.5/10 same here
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always doing those nuts driving avatars
3/10 just... unspectacular
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ava: 6/10 (erm... hate frogs)
sig: 1/10 (words, again)
[Image: joshexsigcopy.png]

Thanks given by:
Avatar: 4/10 - just a recoloured Woody's portrait; I like the scars, though (it adds +1).

Signature: 6/10 - not too spectacular, but the composition is great (+1); they are very well positioned! Like the effects as well (+1), though they're mostly general outer-glow ones.. Conclusion: With a different background it would be a nice "movie" banner. ;)

EDIT: Yes Bamboori, it is. Though currently it's running very slowly - there's only 3 of us and to be honest: life just wont give us a break. At it's current pace it might be done in about 3-5 years (maybe)... I'm still keeping my hopes up more people will join. :P
[Image: 79aec8f57054ce98dba10bbdbd570b2487160e17...d72f6g.jpg]

Stuff that usually go in a sig: Quick Links! (Click to View)
Project frontier. Lost all my hope, yet still keeping it about! ;) (Click to View)
Thanks given by:
ava 8.5/10 unique, nice, but not my taste :P
sig: ?/10 is that project still alive?
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