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Avatar: 8/10 -Awesome (santa hat ownz), but you should make the legs move too when breathing.
Signature: 3/10 - Just too simple...
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8/10 Looks nice.
9.5/10 We all now eggs are awesome (and right...) but probably a bit too high/big. (mine is probably too.)
Age ratings for movies and games (and similar) have never been a good idea.
One can learn a lot from reinventing wheels.
An unsound argument is not the same as an invalid one.
volatile in C++ does not mean thread-safe.
Do not make APIs unnecessarily asynchronous.
Make C++ operator > again
Trump is an idiot.
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8/10 look a while at the middle of the eyes then watch at the left eye and then at the right eye
for my brain it was hard to notice i stared at the eye and not the space beetween
3/10 too full
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ava: -10/10 booooo eggpire
sig: -10/10 for obvious reasons :D
(oops i'm 1 min too late thats was for Someone else)
ava: 6/10 no frogs........
sig: 2/10 I'm a bad person ;)
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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Come on.
A honest responce, no "I hate eggs" or "Eggs sucks". Seriously, we all know that a lie.

7/10 Like the Christmas hat.
2/10 Too primitive.
Age ratings for movies and games (and similar) have never been a good idea.
One can learn a lot from reinventing wheels.
An unsound argument is not the same as an invalid one.
volatile in C++ does not mean thread-safe.
Do not make APIs unnecessarily asynchronous.
Make C++ operator > again
Trump is an idiot.
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well fine i don't like eggs, seriously...hates a strong word
ava: 6/10 unlike bamboori's u have the eveil eyes Twisted make duck legs come out of it ;)
but remember to put light around the egg to make it look 3Dish...
sig: 5/10 annoying moving banners, the "Join the empire thing" is ok
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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ava 9/10 absolutely awesome, but the breathing is still crappy :P
sig 1/10 1 for the link, 1 for a project, -1 for not telling WHICH project it is lol
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ava: 8.9/10 for awesome christmas hat, but i think it might be too round on top, make it look saggy...
sig: 2/10 it's just like my away/// :s

(P.S. i never rly bothered on breathing i guess i was too busy with the glowing effects :))
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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ava: 7/10
sig: 6/10 (just the creative smiley thing)
[Image: joshexsigcopy.png]

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8/10 quite good.
2/10 large and advertising ;) it would be nice if you'd remove some parts
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