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ForgetLatios's Sprites
Quote:and btw, how do you draw the small bits of hair? i find it quite hard

Use the line tool.

TITLE: a idea
make cave for bear?
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anyway, had time to make a face. as usual, i was staring at another char.
and another sprite...
[Image: Untitled_9.png]
[Image: UB2.gif]

News of the day 19th Sep 10: Someone's back on track
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u have got nice talent in hya but the thing is that u needa avoid all the wavy lines like in the face but is it for sprite sheet or chars face inteface?. the only problem is that u needa avoid those wavy lines thats the main problem and the shading is not so smoother use dodge or burn tool for it or somthing like that to get it somoother.Dont use black lines for noses in spritesheets it will not appearn ingame.U must practise to get the shape with simple softwares and must go to advanced one for getting nice things. Pratise practise practise. Practise booth sheets and single sprites, attack frames etc,. for getting nice sprites. all the best!.
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uhhh... what you fail to realise is that's a FACE PIC
[Image: UB2.gif]

News of the day 19th Sep 10: Someone's back on track
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ok even if its face pic i said that u needa improve in spriting in that previous standing sprites.
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LF2-characters do not feature black lines inside their sprites for two reasons:
a) they would be transparent in-game (well duh)
b) the contrast is being messed up.
That's why I'd refrain from using such colors. "Extreme colors" (such as neon-green, eye-piercing pink, snow-white, pitch-black) should be avoided for normal sprites as good as possible. That about the coloring.

Shape-wisely, it's good to use a base at first. You might be proud if you manage to bring up a built-from-scratch sprite, but usually people see it. It's a common mistake to mess up with the proportions at the beginning, so don't worry. Basically, there are two ways how to do sprites (as a beginner, that is):
a) pick an existing sprite and draw over it (the most easy way)
b) pick an existing sprite, outline it (preferably on a new layer), and draw from there. Don't forget to remove the outlines at the end, though :P Template is a typical outline-character, so you might want to try that way at him ;)

By the way, I am fairly sure that GIMP as well as PhotoFiltre offer the brush-option. Pick the brush-tool instead of the pencil-tool in order to avoid ultra-sharp edges. This way, you do not need to blur them out later on.

You have a pretty good foundation already. I'm fairly sure that with the right amount of practice, you'll become a good spriter! :)

Edit: cool, triple-ninja'd and edit-ninja'd. Sounds like a new record to me :D
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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actually, 4th sprite(this page) was 100% from scratch. originally i used a base(without eyes), then started working on proportions by drawing on paper(much better looking).
and btw, i use set transparency...)
tried photofiltre. i failed. :((sorta)
[Image: Spritey.png]
from now on i use for drawing then photofiltre for smudge etc
[Image: Untitled_12.png] a remake of that guy up there. way up there.
[Image: UB2.gif]

News of the day 19th Sep 10: Someone's back on track
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Instead using black lines to outline the Chracter try using a Semi-Black color i mean just like the same color of black but its not black!

Theres one in my Color Pallete clickl the link on my siggy!
On-going Projects:
The Symbol - Break Down!(LF1 Sprite Style)

Free Color Pallete & Character Outline With Eye Pack!
Thanks given by: forgetlatios
how does this look?
[Image: ww.png]
[Image: UB2.gif]

News of the day 19th Sep 10: Someone's back on track
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Nice, but:
-Small head and hairs
-Fists are too big
-A bit blurry
btw which program do u use?
I'd recommend to use ONE program. doesn't work very well for me, so yeah... I USE PHOTOFILTRE THEN.
[Image: abstractdaad.png]
Graphic Stuff|Tania|Indo Fighter|Sprites|Comics|
News of my days: My graphics skills will go better. Eventually...
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