I'm making a LF2 mods named EMF LF2. EMF is short for Elemental Monster Fighters. This mod have monster chars I'm making!
Right now I'm making the monsters.
The picture below will explain which monster I have made.
The original green slime monster.
Can't roll/rowing or defend.
Has no special moves.
A hard grey rock.
Normal attack, defend and roll/rowing to use Roll.
The Roll move is really strong.
Has no special moves.
A greenish rock with non-elemental powers from its magical nose. Special moves:
D > A = Energy Blast
Saphrock releases enormous amount of energy to attack.
D > J = Light Beam
Releases a beam of power continously.
A white tornado monster.
Cannot jump.
Special moves:
D > A = Twister
Twistrike spins the winds around itself, which makes itself a twister.
D > J = Tornado Rash
Twistrike charges forward with a great power.
Its Defend can lift things, including enemies.
A red mushroom monster from the dark forests.
Cannot roll/rowing.
Special Moves:
D > A = Poison Spore
Mushoul accumulates poisoned spores and release them at high speed.
D ^ A = Poison Gas.
Releases poisonus gas to damage nearby enemies.
A yellow monster.
Its body is covered with electric powers.
Special Moves:
D > A = Thunder Blast
Blitzer charges thunder on its arm and releases them.
D v A = Electric Charge
Blitzer charges its body with electric, causing itself to shiver with great electricity.
A big leaf monster.
Its spines are as strong as steel. (it has armor like Knight)
Leafost has no special moves, but its run attack was a good move.
A big tree monster that move very slowly.
It has fire resistance [cannot burn] and ice resistance. [cannot freeze]
It's run attack is Fanleaf: Palmoss spins its leaves to damage the enemy
Special Moves:
D ^ A = Leaf Rain
Palmoss shakes itself, causing a number of prickly leaves to fall down.
D ^ J = Force Field
Palmoss creates a force field which protect his team temporarily.
An quick electric-type monster.
D > A = Thunderbreath
Creates thunder from its mouth.
D, D while running, D v J = Escape
Teleports and creates fake clone.