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uhmm, use hex to find out how to read lfr files?
Hello I'm back, but in the midst of my exams.

Hacking the lfr files? That's like trying to doctor with the replays and create lots of fakes and cheating. Besides, one thing there's one thing there which is pretty good, which is the summary.

There's one thing I dislike though, I have to play the entire thing just to see one part of a replay.

What I suggest is, instead, create a better demo player, so we can like scroll to certain areas (like I want to look at 1.20min of a 5 minute-long replay, I can just fast-forward or scroll over to 1.20min). Just that, nothing else. This + the summary thing would be enough. I think this should only be released etc after the competition though. This way you can't possibly hack the lfr files and create fakes, but at the same time it can take away some inconvenience. If you want to put multiple demos together, you'd have to record it in another format.

And the Demo doesn't have the same camera function as in the playback. Maybe that could be added in if a future version comes out again.
[Image: uMSShyX.png]
Steiner v3.00 (outdated), Challenge Stage v1.51
Luigi's Easier Data-Editor, A-Man's Sprite Mirrorer
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RE: uhmm, use hex to find out how to read lfr files? - by STM1993 - 09-28-2008, 08:52 AM

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