Most likely it does appear, but you'll need to change the centerx: and centery: or the sprite will appear below the ground.
I also don't get why in the first line you have a height of just 184.
Something like w: 199 h: 404 in the first line and centerx: 90 centery: 397 in the frames should work (the coordinates are always measured from the upper left corner to the place where the shadow should appear iirc).
(Also, it would be 140-145, but that's not really important in this case)
I also don't get why in the first line you have a height of just 184.
Something like w: 199 h: 404 in the first line and centerx: 90 centery: 397 in the frames should work (the coordinates are always measured from the upper left corner to the place where the shadow should appear iirc).
(Also, it would be 140-145, but that's not really important in this case)