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Stage Mode - Can't beat stage 3 difficult
Seconding YinYin. Dash-attacking with the baseball-bat hits multiple opponents AND reflects projectiles. Scythe just slams them down altogether. Crate for ultimate justice and rock when crate is not enough. Knife also works as a dash-weapon. Baseball when you want to buy some time + a little damage to foes. Same with boomerang.

Now looking at your recording and writing things down that come to my mind while watching...

You might want to try out playing at a reduced framerate to give yourself more time to react. It's easier to dodge projectiles thus.

Diagonal dashing is good; always changing z-pos is hard for the AI to deal with.

NEVER defend when a mass of opponents is charging at you. Run away or, if hitting is inevitable, try to jump (you get to the falling-frames quicker in-air).

If someone carries a weapon (especially one of the longer-ranged ones such as scyte), do not engage close-combat directly. Diagonal dashing or projectile-spam. Or Davis' dragon punch :p

When a couple blasts is coming at you, don't try to counterblast. Unless you know exactly what you're doing (keeping in mind that Sorcerers and Jacks could always back up their projectiles with even more projectiles), it's best to just move up/down. Defend only when you know that (a) there is not more coming at you and (b) you will have enough time to evade anything approaching you after your defense-stand. Knight is slightly different because he can just tank through pretty much anything :D

The whole "picking out the boss from the crowd"-thing is more or less a mix from patience (constantly getting rid of minions) and good aim (diagonal dash right into the crowd and still hitting the boss). Slower game-speeds help significantly.

...then again, I'm not that much of a solo-stage-player, so feel free to disregard any of my points :p
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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Thanks given by: STM1993 , Evil Sonidow

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RE: Stage Mode - Can't beat stage 3 difficult - by Silverthorn - 03-23-2014, 12:36 PM

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