(03-20-2016, 07:03 PM)mfc Wrote: There are 5 roles.
Knt Sct Brd Oct Inq
No, 7.
Quote:You assume there is totally one Inq on WW side. And that is not certain. You assume there is totally one Knt on WW side, that is not certain. You are trying to kill all certain Role members. Not a good idea.
I am not trying to kill a all certain Role member, but those which the werewolves and townies have in common.
Quote:That is the key flaw in your bloodthirsty strategy.But HOW in blazes do you know who's saying the ultimate truth and who's lying? Feedback from people I assume you mean their reactions? That's only a bit more reliable than using a PRNG.
"But you can't really make anything of what the inquisitor says. His information have no value, as they may be of that of a werewolves-aligned, and we can't ever figure someone's alignment for certain until the game is over. "
No. Let's say there are 2 Inq one on WW side one on Town. What we will know is, one says ultimate truth, other has lies within his words. And with feedback from people in their list, we can figure out who is lying, who is not.
Quote:"You can not know for certain, but it's more likely that the werewolves attacked an inquisitor who's not in their alignment, right?"My intuition says it's definitely more one-sided than 60 to 40, but I can't argue with you on the numbers since I don't have the ability to come up with numbered statistics in such cases related to the complex human behavior. But it's a relief you agree it's more likely.
More likely, 60% vs 40% but still, not certain. It is just another piece of puzzle.
And to everyone who claims the inquisitors' statements can be Sodoku-ized, one major question is:
How long will it take to get enough info to "decisively" pinpoint a werewolf? And are you putting the ability of the werewolf-aligned one in mind? The fact that he can change alignments and such.
I was just thinking that if I were a werewolf inquisitor, I could let the others think I am going to check someone in particular in hope a town-aligned inquisitor will be alarmed and check him too. Then what I'll do is change this guy's alignment to werewolf and claim that I've checked him and he turned out to be a werewolf. Chances are that the other inquisitor will jump in and confirm.
I am not saying anything about TheNave in particular, but I remembered this post he made:
TheNave Wrote:anyways, I'll probably check bamboori tonight because revealing an inquisitor first round does not seem to be helping town side at all...
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