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Character: Filiop
Looks pretty creative. Its past midnight here, so I'll make this a quick one:

1) You don't need to have so many data files.
* You can get rid of filiop.dat and just have filiopN.dat & filiopSAI.dat.
* You can merge filiopSAI_ball.dat & filiopSAI_exp.dat together as one data.

2) A lot of the grabs are bugged.
* Normal filiop DvA has a mistake in where "wait: 9" is written as "wait:9", causing the frame to be bugged.
* Normal filiop D^A is also bugged; if you press A at a specific frame, you will just drop the enemy.
* SAI filiop can't grab. I don't know if its intentional, but if you don't want him to grab, you should make the grab use a special move instead of just lifting him up as is.

3) Other things
* filiopSAI sometimes attacks once, other times he attacks twice when you press A.
* D>J shouldn't be the command to transform. Use DJA to transform instead while bodystar can use D>J.

Wanted to see what I could do to improve the data, but for some reason my VDCer refuses to open the sprites.
[Image: uMSShyX.png]
Steiner v3.00 (outdated), Challenge Stage v1.51
Luigi's Easier Data-Editor, A-Man's Sprite Mirrorer
Working on the LF2 Rebalance mod.
Avatar styled by: prince_freeza
Thanks given by: AmadisLFE , filiop

Messages In This Thread
Filiop - by filiop - 07-06-2016, 06:08 PM
RE: Filiop - by STM1993 - 07-06-2016, 07:23 PM
RE: Filiop - by filiop - 07-07-2016, 10:50 AM

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