The biggest issue here is that you're opointing a ball that has a global range. You can try using an ik8 that attaches itself to a permanent hidden bdy in the character and then reduce the itr size accordingly. This will make the last word detector a lot more precise, though it won't ultimately solve all the problems you mentioned (and Woody can just teleport away from the ball's area of effect). I should also note that since its a ball, you will be able to use your last word every new substage.
Transforming after using a move is a very easy way(and locks it to single use), but it'd eat up a lot of data.txt ids & menu slots, and requires using _b sprites due to using state 8xxx to transform. I understand that you want to give every character a last word ability, so this isn't feasible.
YinYin had a system in Killer-LF2 where you can only use a special move if you exceeded 500hp, which only works if you came into contact with the milk's broken remains and let it hit you with -ve injury.
There's another method that YinYin innovated involving using Rudolf's version of Transform, but it requires you to use DJA as the input. I don't know how exactly it works, but some useful theory:
* Pressing DJA will cause you to use the move. However, it doesn't go all the way because it stops when it reaches a frame with state 500 that checks if you have used transform on someone already or not, and 501 is used to transform into that someone.
* When transforming back into the original character, you always go back to frame 245.
* One thing Jun does is to opoint a copy of himself, grab him into a hidden frame and in the catching frame immediately delete him with vaction 1000 while using throwinjury -1 to trigger transform. So essentially, you're transforming into yourself.
So theoretically you could use such a system to make a strictly 1-time use ability by making the character opoint something that checks if you've gone past the state 500 frame.
You could spawn a weapon "powerup" that can be picked up, but on picking it up, it disappears and instead grants a player a charge they can use for that substage using the ik8 sticking method I described above (this charge can be made an "invisible" character if you want it to persist between substages, but you'll have to deal with a "Com" logo). When the player then presses J+A, the charge checks for a hidden bdy in J+A. If its there, it catches the player and brings him into his last word ability. This particular method would force Rudolf to only be able to use his ability when he is not invisible or any character from using his last word when he isn't supposed to be simply taking advantage of invulnerability when getting up from lying.
Transforming after using a move is a very easy way(and locks it to single use), but it'd eat up a lot of data.txt ids & menu slots, and requires using _b sprites due to using state 8xxx to transform. I understand that you want to give every character a last word ability, so this isn't feasible.
YinYin had a system in Killer-LF2 where you can only use a special move if you exceeded 500hp, which only works if you came into contact with the milk's broken remains and let it hit you with -ve injury.
There's another method that YinYin innovated involving using Rudolf's version of Transform, but it requires you to use DJA as the input. I don't know how exactly it works, but some useful theory:
* Pressing DJA will cause you to use the move. However, it doesn't go all the way because it stops when it reaches a frame with state 500 that checks if you have used transform on someone already or not, and 501 is used to transform into that someone.
* When transforming back into the original character, you always go back to frame 245.
* One thing Jun does is to opoint a copy of himself, grab him into a hidden frame and in the catching frame immediately delete him with vaction 1000 while using throwinjury -1 to trigger transform. So essentially, you're transforming into yourself.
So theoretically you could use such a system to make a strictly 1-time use ability by making the character opoint something that checks if you've gone past the state 500 frame.
You could spawn a weapon "powerup" that can be picked up, but on picking it up, it disappears and instead grants a player a charge they can use for that substage using the ik8 sticking method I described above (this charge can be made an "invisible" character if you want it to persist between substages, but you'll have to deal with a "Com" logo). When the player then presses J+A, the charge checks for a hidden bdy in J+A. If its there, it catches the player and brings him into his last word ability. This particular method would force Rudolf to only be able to use his ability when he is not invisible or any character from using his last word when he isn't supposed to be simply taking advantage of invulnerability when getting up from lying.
Steiner v3.00 (outdated), Challenge Stage v1.51
Luigi's Easier Data-Editor, A-Man's Sprite Mirrorer
Working on the LF2 Rebalance mod.
Avatar styled by: prince_freeza