09-07-2016, 03:06 AM
LF2 IDE v3.3.0
And now, LF2 IDE is more useful than ever!
About Ctrl+R shortcut and Document Navigation
These are probably among the most time saver features of LF2 IDE. Frequently, data changers need to jump between frame indexes. Although LF2 IDE supports 'jump to frame index', this method of manually writing frame index is unnecessarily slow. Instead, Ctrl+R will immediately do it for you. How? Double click on an index so it gets selected. Then press Ctrl+R. For example: You want to jump to the DJA special move of some character. Seeing `hit_ja: 230` you understand it's starting at frame 230. Double click 230, press Ctrl+R and you just jumped to frame 230.
Now that's sweet. But what if you want to get back where you left? Simple! Either click "Navigate Backwards" button or use Ctrl+U shortcut. Document Navigation is there to serve you.
As usual, download links are on the first page. Feed back is highly appreciated!
Update Log (Click to View)
About Ctrl+R shortcut and Document Navigation
These are probably among the most time saver features of LF2 IDE. Frequently, data changers need to jump between frame indexes. Although LF2 IDE supports 'jump to frame index', this method of manually writing frame index is unnecessarily slow. Instead, Ctrl+R will immediately do it for you. How? Double click on an index so it gets selected. Then press Ctrl+R. For example: You want to jump to the DJA special move of some character. Seeing `hit_ja: 230` you understand it's starting at frame 230. Double click 230, press Ctrl+R and you just jumped to frame 230.
Now that's sweet. But what if you want to get back where you left? Simple! Either click "Navigate Backwards" button or use Ctrl+U shortcut. Document Navigation is there to serve you.
As usual, download links are on the first page. Feed back is highly appreciated!
Ultimately, my constant dissatisfaction with the way things are becomes the driving force behind everything I do.
LF2 IDE - Advanced visual data changer featuring instant data loader
LF2 Sprite Sheet Generator - Template based sprite sheet generator based on Gad's method
There is no perfect language, but C++ is the worst.
LF2 IDE - Advanced visual data changer featuring instant data loader
LF2 Sprite Sheet Generator - Template based sprite sheet generator based on Gad's method
There is no perfect language, but C++ is the worst.