I realize people come to this forum for fun. But I think this post might be interesting for everybody to read and to give it some thought, as it might change your perception on life.
Have you ever felt unhappy about your life? Because of all the things that you have to do, because of everything that is expected from you, because you get a limited amount of choices in life? Everything is planned out for us as a child and when we think or act differently, this behavior is discouraged. This doesn't change much in adulthood.
We might THINK we make our own choices, but the truth is this: we are forced into a certain way of thinking from the very beginning of our childhood. Structure can be a really good thing, but western society doesn't allow thinking outside of the box and mostly ignores what people want, even though people usually don't realize this.
At the age of 5, our creative potential is about 80%.
At the age of 8, this creative potential has alreay been reduced to about 20%.
At the age of 40, it is very hard to think outside of the box at all, because we have nearly no creativity left in us.
From the moment we go to school for the very first time, we are taught to do what is expected from us. We have to fit in a certain structure and way of thinking and behaving. We are taught to 'study hard, work hard and get a good job' and to do this in a certain structure, while this totally neglects what we want to do. Beside ignoring the fact that we often can't do what we want to do, we are continuously being corrected by parents and teachers. While sometimes correction can be good, it very often isn't. Very often, things that actually aren't wrong, are being corrected, and therefore it kills people's creativity. No wonder we often think adults are boring, right? 90% or more just do exactly as they are told, don't dare to think different. You can't blame these people because they were shaped this way by their environment and they probably don't even know about it. But you are still young and probably more creative. Don't believe everything you are taught.
Here's an example of what I mean:
What I believe is the following:
- People need creative thinking to be themselves, and because of that they need creative thinking to be happy at all in life
- Therefor it is very okay to be different. Even the greatest geniuses in time were all different AND people thought their ideas were stupid most of the time.
- Everybody should be paying attention to moments of just BEING, where they take the time to really feel what is going on in their heads and body. Mindfulness can be a big help to get your mind at peace. This is because we are usually just focussed on doing things, and we ignore our feelings and body. Allow your thoughts and feelings, as they are not wrong, even if society says so.
- Go to bed in time and think your day through. How was your day, how did you feel, what did you do well today?
- Try to stay realistic, as seeing the world as it is increases your happiness. Nobody really understands the world around us, but if you can understand what I am trying to share with you here, this might increase your happiness.
- Don't talk down on yourself, as we are already in a place where very little is right and very much is wrong. If you think something might be wrong, think it through. Are you being realistic?
I challenge you to do the following:
- Put away your phone, laptop and any other distraction
- Close your eyes and focus on your breathing for a minute
- For about 5 minutes, with your eyes closed, try to notice what thoughts are going through your head. Don't force yourself to think, this notice what thoughts come by
- Write down what thoughts and feelings you experienced, for yourself
- (eventually share your experience with us)
Have you ever felt unhappy about your life? Because of all the things that you have to do, because of everything that is expected from you, because you get a limited amount of choices in life? Everything is planned out for us as a child and when we think or act differently, this behavior is discouraged. This doesn't change much in adulthood.
We might THINK we make our own choices, but the truth is this: we are forced into a certain way of thinking from the very beginning of our childhood. Structure can be a really good thing, but western society doesn't allow thinking outside of the box and mostly ignores what people want, even though people usually don't realize this.
At the age of 5, our creative potential is about 80%.
At the age of 8, this creative potential has alreay been reduced to about 20%.
At the age of 40, it is very hard to think outside of the box at all, because we have nearly no creativity left in us.
From the moment we go to school for the very first time, we are taught to do what is expected from us. We have to fit in a certain structure and way of thinking and behaving. We are taught to 'study hard, work hard and get a good job' and to do this in a certain structure, while this totally neglects what we want to do. Beside ignoring the fact that we often can't do what we want to do, we are continuously being corrected by parents and teachers. While sometimes correction can be good, it very often isn't. Very often, things that actually aren't wrong, are being corrected, and therefore it kills people's creativity. No wonder we often think adults are boring, right? 90% or more just do exactly as they are told, don't dare to think different. You can't blame these people because they were shaped this way by their environment and they probably don't even know about it. But you are still young and probably more creative. Don't believe everything you are taught.
Here's an example of what I mean:
What I believe is the following:
- People need creative thinking to be themselves, and because of that they need creative thinking to be happy at all in life
- Therefor it is very okay to be different. Even the greatest geniuses in time were all different AND people thought their ideas were stupid most of the time.
- Everybody should be paying attention to moments of just BEING, where they take the time to really feel what is going on in their heads and body. Mindfulness can be a big help to get your mind at peace. This is because we are usually just focussed on doing things, and we ignore our feelings and body. Allow your thoughts and feelings, as they are not wrong, even if society says so.
- Go to bed in time and think your day through. How was your day, how did you feel, what did you do well today?
- Try to stay realistic, as seeing the world as it is increases your happiness. Nobody really understands the world around us, but if you can understand what I am trying to share with you here, this might increase your happiness.
- Don't talk down on yourself, as we are already in a place where very little is right and very much is wrong. If you think something might be wrong, think it through. Are you being realistic?
I challenge you to do the following:
- Put away your phone, laptop and any other distraction
- Close your eyes and focus on your breathing for a minute
- For about 5 minutes, with your eyes closed, try to notice what thoughts are going through your head. Don't force yourself to think, this notice what thoughts come by
- Write down what thoughts and feelings you experienced, for yourself
- (eventually share your experience with us)