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Easier Data-Editor (STM93 Version)
After a few bug fixed updates, which I don't reported:

The new feature is very special. The "Frame Reformatting" supports a few commands and mathematical operations now. It is possible to declare a range for values or add/multiply to values and so on. Before I try to explain it, see the screenshots.

Screenshots / Manuel (Click to View)
Explanation (Click to View)

  • Add to "Frame Reformatting"
    • + MIN(x)
    • + MIN(x)
    • + MAX(+)
    • + LIMIT(x;y)
    • + CEILING(x)
    • + FLOOR(x)
    • + TRUNCATE(x)
    • + mathematical operations
    • + option: reformat only selected text
  • - "Frame Reformatting"-Window
  • * ZWidth of itrs were wrong (thanks to the guy of the Chinese discord server and STM than ambassador)
  • * "?" removes negative and sound tags/attributes
  • * reset of the background-color while zooming

EDIT (31-07-2019) : WRAP-MODE HAS A LOT OF PROBLEMS. I don't know if it is problem of GPU or not. It is an issue from Scintilla.NET - not from me! So if you see nothing change the wrap mode to "None"
Thanks given by: Nakato , Ramond , STM1993

Messages In This Thread
Easier Data-Editor (STM93 Version) - by Luigi600 - 10-12-2018, 12:23 PM
RE: Easier Data-Editor (STM93 Version) - by Uri - 10-12-2018, 01:34 PM
RE: Easier Data-Editor (STM93 Version) - by Uri - 10-15-2018, 04:29 PM
RE: Easier Data-Editor (STM93 Version) - by Uri - 10-22-2018, 08:39 AM
RE: Easier Data-Editor (STM93 Version) - by Uri - 10-24-2018, 10:37 AM
Easier Data-Editor (STM93 Version) UPDATE (v1-2-0-119) - by Luigi600 - 07-28-2019, 10:13 PM

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