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Character: Knight~ (Final Version)
I've been looking through my old PC's data and found some very old projects I've been working on, so because they are all finished I decided to post them here to later submit them if possible.

It's an overpowered version of Knight, but in a good way...

I just added some knight-y attacks and made him -in a way- overpowered. Again all the sprites and everything were created by myself.

Additionally I tinkered around with the character's ID and gave him Louise's ID. That means, when an enemy plays with the character, he'll use Louise's attack-pattern and be therefore much harder to defeat.
(The drawback being that when you use Rudolf to tranfsorm into him you might turn into Louise and vise-versa, additionally -depending on the loadorder inside data.txt- Knight~ might spawn instead of Rudolf when playing the Game.
Just tell me if I should change that.)


Here is the readme.txt:
Made by ForGOTtenONE


"Knight" is an overpowered playable version of the standard character.


#1 Import all folders into root-directory of the game.
#2 Copy the text below into data\data.txt (between <object> and <object_end>):

id: 6   type: 0  file: data\knight\knight.dat
id: 53  type: 0  file: data\knight\knight_shadow.dat

id: 230  type: 3  file: data\knight\knight_col.dat
id: 231  type: 3  file: data\knight\knight_ball.dat
id: 246  type: 3  file: data\knight\knight_wind.dat

#3 Enjoy



Energy-Wave:    D + LEFT/ RIGHT + A
Charge:        D + LEFT/ RIGHT + J
Up-Slash:    D + UP + A (+ D for combo)
Spew-Explosion:    D + UP + J
    (+ A, jump forward)
    (+ D, jump backwards)
Down-Slash:    D + DOWN + A
Spew-Fire:    D + DOWN + J
Shield-Bash:    J + A (fast)
Shield-Dash:    RUN
Create-Clones:    D + J + A

MeGaSlAsH:    D + J + A + D + DOWN + J
    (Can only be done with full MP-Bar.
    The second part of the combo (D+DOWN+J) must be done with some delay to the first part
    Demolishes everything in front of the player.)

Shield-Bash:    PICK_UP_HEAVY + J
Defense:    PICK_UP_HEAVY + D

D = Defense
J = Jump
A = Attack
PICK_UP_HEAVY = pick up a heavy object like a crate of bolder.



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Sorry if I made any mistakes, this is my fourth post :D.
Thanks given by: The_Hari , Thauan0312

Messages In This Thread
Knight~ (Final Version) - by ForGOTtenONE - 04-10-2020, 07:10 PM
RE: Knight~ - by The_Hari - 04-12-2020, 06:57 PM
RE: Knight~ - by ForGOTtenONE - 04-12-2020, 09:33 PM
RE: Knight~ (Final Version) - by ForGOTtenONE - 05-11-2020, 08:07 PM
RE: Knight~ (Final Version) - by Dinothundah - 05-15-2020, 06:49 AM

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