I tried the range AI.
Now I am dealing with the part of Deep D>A.
The part for Deep D>A (D>A range AI):
(Have not been checked)
Edit: The code is OK.
Quote:In rarara.Asm:
include range.inc
invoke JmpPatch, 0040AE1Ah, addr Range1
invoke WriteMem, 0040AE1Fh, addr FourNOP,4
invoke JmpPatch, 0040B227h, addr Range2
invoke JmpPatch, 0040B2DBh, addr Range3
invoke JmpPatch, 0040B393h, addr Range4
invoke JmpPatch, 00403878h, addr Deep_Ball
invoke WriteMem, 0040387Dh, addr doubleNOP,2
Quote:In range.inc
Range1_1 dd 0040AF5Dh
Range1_2 dd 0040AE35h
Range2_1 dd 0040B236h
Range2_2 dd 0040B23Bh
Range3_1 dd 0040B2EEh
Range3_2 dd 0040B374h
Range4_1 dd 0040B3ABh
Range4_2 dd 0040B5D8h
Range1 proc
cmp ecx,4
je short return
;cmp ecx,ID
;je short return
jmp dword ptr [Range1_2]
return: jmp dword ptr [Range1_1]
Range1 endp
Range2 proc
cmp eax,4
je short return
;cmp eax,ID
;je short return
jmp dword ptr [Range2_2]
return: jmp dword ptr [Range2_1]
Range2 endp
Range3 proc
cmp eax,4
je short return
;cmp eax,ID
;je short return
jmp dword ptr [Range3_2]
return: jmp dword ptr [Range3_1]
Range3 endp
Range4 proc
cmp eax,4
je short return
;cmp eax,ID
;je short return
jmp dword ptr [Range4_2]
return: jmp dword ptr [Range4_1]
Range4 endp
Now I am dealing with the part of Deep D>A.
The part for Deep D>A (D>A range AI):
Spoiler (Click to View)
Spoiler (Click to View)
Edit: The code is OK.